Alliance-profiles are invited to become Catalysts of a Collaborative Value Network (CVN) for Impact Investing - to build REACH into the Real Economies of Maritime Regions with Regional Network Partners (RNPs).
At first there will be a wanted, leading alliance, who helps assemble the participants of a Consortium of Alliances (CoA). Together they will share negative control of the initiative by a limited number of vote-rich A-shares in the "InvestCo.".
This Page offer insight into the's Impact Investing-initiative - whether you/the reader belongs to an existing- or a potential stakeholder-group; namely:
Please note: Each Page can be repetitive to cover an angle of the initiative.
As already mentioned - the CVN for Impact Investing can be presented by a Matrix - divided in 4.
On the Page overleaf - the CVN is presented as a "No-Group-Structure", which combines a Role-divided Business- and an Open Ownership Model. Its simplicity safeguards impartiality.
The essentials of a CVN-Approach for Impact Investing
As already underlined: It has a Role-divided Business- and an Open Ownership Model for the future majority-stakeholders; namely, the Self-directed Capital Partners. They choose to assemble by holding vote-weak B-shares - and to spread risk.
They get access to competent trustees/-fiduciaries - organized by Regional Network Partners (RNPs) - and can also focus on Impact Investing outside the transaction-fee driven financial markets.
This implies that Self-directed Capital Partners help shield Portfolios of Unlisted Participations in SMEs as members of the CVN's Protection Club Invest-Banc - until sustainability and viability are improved - and marketability can be achieved.
Limited Partners choose to invest in Impact Bonds, which may be convertible in Vote-weak B-shares. If so, then investors join the ranks of Self-directed Capital Partners.
Look to the Figure on Top of the Page: "Financial Models & Value Creation", which can help explain's Impact Investing-initiative - "in a nutshell".
Self-directed Capital Partners and other stakeholders are at times:
The Crux: Alliance-profiles can contribute to real improvements in maritime regions + their hinterlands.
Needs of owners/enterprisers and investors are similar everywhere - especially in maritime regions, where most people live and work.
Wanted Alliances/Catalysts and Regional Network Partners (RNPs) are not invited for their money - but, for their values and willingness to coopt.
Vote-rich A-shares are offered at par value + transaction cost to the first Alliance/Catalyst as well as the first RNP - subject to that these holdings are kept separate and spread among peers according to a Letter of Intent (LoI) as an Owners' Agreement.
Both the first Alliance/Catalyst and the first RNP will each have negative control (40% of the vote-rich A-shares) from Day 1.
A new partner in will be responsible for Alliance/Catalyst-relations. The existing managing partner of will build relations to Regional Network Partners (RNPs) in Maritime Regions.
As stakeholders and members of the Protection Club they will be invited as limited partners - e.g. as investors in impact bonds convertible in vote-weak B-shares.
Note: The Alliances, on the one hand - and the RNPs, on the other hand - exercise influence in different roles- and capacities as owners. That is explained in the Letter of Intent (LoI) as a transparent Owners' Agreement.
Since the start in 1988 the CVN's "InvestCo" has NOT carried debt.
All research & development has been done by voluntary efforts and/or financed by paid in share capital - organized by The initiative is an innovative Social Enterprise for Impact Investing - a. o. based on access to competencies in Equity Capital-financing and Pro-Active Restructuring & Reorganization (PARR) as well as Independent Impact Analyses and holistic, environmental Land Banking.
After's first entry in New Venture Competition in 2017 - a Scaling-Up of the CVN-Approach was tested with a leading Global Industrial.
A Case was written - along with an Outline of Regional Summits on Effective Impact Investing in Maritime Regions. And lessons were learned after a Vulture Fund entered the scene and made collaboration with the Global industrial come to a full stop. submitted a new entry in NVC 2024 - with an improved approach boosted by FINTECH + Climatech etc.'s CVN-Approach is transparently summed up by this website.
A Consortium of Alliances - acting together or individually as Catalysts
The wanted profiles of a Consortium can choose Co-opetition** to achieve financial innovation with social impact. They can benefit “customers and customers' customers” - and contribute to the Scaling-up of a Social Enterprise for Impact Investing - organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN). They are - for example:
The above potential alliance-profiles will have common denominators; e.g., to achieve innovation by coopetition* and a shared interest in maritime regions. Why?
Networking in- and between maritime regions is vital to defend collaborative pluralism by democratic accountability benefiting customers and customers’ customers.
Cf. Page: "Networking in Maritime Regions" and "Contact".
*) Coopetition is the act of cooperation between competing companies by forming a strategic alliance designed to achieve innovation (read: improvements).
The concept of co-opetition, i.e. alliances choosing cooperation to achieve innovation, is at odds with many people's competitive thinking as a driving force to create advantages...That can make it difficult to win acceptance for new, innovative initiatives, which require co-opetition. Moreover – many are linked to existing dominant players in financial markets – read: The Incumbents.
The growth of Multi-Role Financial Incumbents since deregulation of financial markets in 1987/-88 in EU - and since 1999 in the USA - has widened the GAP between the financial- and real economy. That should call for fair play reforms and pro-active measures.
A Social Enterprise for Impact Investing – organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN)** - has a “No-Group-Structure”, which combines a Role-divided Business Model with an Open Ownership Model. It becomes a contender to financial incumbents.
Influence and power are assigned to- and vested in existing institutions, networks and practices. These facts must be addressed and tackled by improvements in order to achieve a successful acceptance- / breakthrough of real financial innovation with social Impact.
**) Cf. Definitions of “Social Enterprise", "Impact Investing" and “Collaborative Value Network (CVN)” on the Internet. On the Page: "Activities for Owner-Enterprise" there is an introduction to a CVN. A CVN-Approach, which can provide impartiality, is an achievement. Look to Page: "Impact Analyses + Restructuring & Reorganization / Optional Reading below on's history since 1988.
There are precedents for Social Enterprises in Credit Banking and Insurance - but, not in Impact Investing financed by Equity-Capital and Convertible Subordinated Debt (read: A "Quasi-Equity Capital"). To solve that Conundrum requires a Collaborative Value Network (CVN)-Approach for Impact Investing. Look to the Page: "A Columbus' Egg".
A "No-Group-Structure" of a CVN-Approach - and its "InvestCo." - is not likely to become an initiative listed on a Stock-Exchange.
Shares picked by Self-directed Capital Partners for their Impact Investing Portfolio are found in the real economies of maritime regions - among underserved Small- and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs), hereunder family-owned firms, which lack "Names" in media and markets. Many are sceptic to the deal flows of transaction fee-driven cultures.
SMEs assemble as participants in- and stakeholders of Social Enterprises for Impact Investing - organized as Collaborative Value Networks (CVNs).
They rely on mutual efforts and -instruments for value creation - as well as Enterpriser-Marts for Broadcasting Initiatives, Needs, etc. - verified by Independent Impact Analyses (IIA) - to be reported before-, during- and after Impact Investing.
Social Enterprises for Impact Investing - with CVN-Approaches - will remain financed by risk capital from Self-directed Capital Partners - and other participations linked to-, monitored- and regulated by individual Master Accounts of Protection Clubs - according to general policies for systematic spreading of risk.
Impact Analyses + Pro-Active Restructuring & Reorganization (PARR) and related trustee-activities are not driven by transaction-fees.
Instead - step by step - they can help develop- and prove sustainability and viability of participations – thereby making them negotiable in the future. More details follow below on Page: “Impact Analyses + Restructuring & Reorganization” and Page: “Financial Models & Value Creation” - Model E.
Regional Network Partners (RNPs) of a CVN for Impact Investing
They organize competent trustees/fiduciaries in the fields of pro-active restructuring, equity capital-financing, ownership dilemmas and owner-governance. Cf. the "Wedges" of the CVN-Approach below.
Like the above-mentioned Consortium of Alliances - RNPs will also hold negative control of the "InvestCo" - and operational control - under the auspices of- and monitored by the CVN's Promoter and Protector.
The Self-directed Capital Partners will become the future majority owners, because the CVN-Approach for Impact Investing has an Open Ownership-model.
Capital Partners choose to hold vote-weak B-shares - to attain access to the competent trustees/fiduciaries organized by the RNPs. Then, they can make use of a right - but, not an obligation - to become members of a Protection Club for systematic Spreading of Risk.
Look to the "Bridging-functions" of the CVN-Approach below - for more details.*** - a Promoter- and a Protector of CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing promotes a "No-Group-Structure", which combines a business- and an open ownership model. It is a CVN-Approach for Impact Investing. The initiators of has formulated a Letter of Intent (LoI) directed to all stakeholders; i.e. Alliances, Regional Network Partners (RNPs) and Capital Partners. It serves as the shared Owners’ Agreement. In the role of Protector - monitors- and balances relations between the different stakeholders based on the LoI. The LoI also defines why-, when- and how a change of Protector is carried through. will hold 20% of the vote-rich A-shares. Its stake must be maintained at the cost of other holders of A-shares as a prerequisite for future issues of vote-rich A-shares.
***) is the internet domain and brand of Bankierhuset S.T.Evensen & Co LLP (Steco) and Bankierhuset AS/Ltd., a Captive Company. They are supported at arm’s length by Endowment for Ethics & Enterprise (EEE).
A Collaborative Value Network (CVN) for effective Impact Investing
As already mentioned on the Home-Page of - this site describes a Social Enterprise for Impact Investing - organized by an CVN-Approach, which combines a role-divided Business Model with an Open Ownership Model. participated in New Venture Competition (NVC) 2017 with its innovative entrant:
“A Social Enterprise for Impact Investing – organized as a CVN”. And for reasons mentioned above - has submitted an improved entry in NVC 2024:
"A Social Enterprise for Impact Investing - organized as a CVN - boosted by FINTECH".
The CVN-Approach has "Bridging Functions" between Enterprise and Wealth – and "Wedges" to separate the Roles of Markets.
On the CVN's "Bridging Functions":
They are an "InvestCo." for the CVN's Stakeholders (Restru-Reorg Ltd.) and a Protection Club Invest-Banc for Stakeholders. Future majority owners of the CVN are Capital Partners, who choose to invest in the vote-weak B-shares of InvestCo. They have a right, but not an obligation, to become members of the Protection Club for assembling strengths and spreading risk. Ad hoc self-directed participations are registered in Individual Master Accounts, which can apply Blockchain Exchange Technology**** - a method of recording information that makes it impossible or difficult for the system to be changed, hacked, or manipulated.
In the future there shall be Enterpriser-Marts in other Language Zones for Broadcasting Initiatives, Needs, etc. - promoted by Endowment for Ethics & Enterprise (EEE) - always acting at Arm's Length to CVNs for Impact Investing.
****) A blockchain is a distributed ledger that duplicates and distributes transactions across the network of computers participating in the blockchain.
On the CVN’s "Wedges":
They are single-role confidants and trustees/fiduciaries - organized by Regional Network Partners (RNPs). Like the CVN's Alliances - the RNPs also hold negative control in Restru-Reorg Ltd. by vote-rich A-shares.
As Regional-franchisees of the CVN - the RNPs are monitored by as a Protector. They can offer Pro-Active Restructuring and Reorganization (PARR)-expertise.
Cf. the next Page on "Impact Analyses - Restructuring & Reorganization". PARR is performed in line with EU- and other Regulations on Reconstruction - to offer the future of viable activities a better chance.
A general advice by experienced trustees/fiduciaries: Take a step back - to reflect on ownership and governance.
That decision can open up to deliberations with a confidant. The CVN’s RNPs can prepare- and/or ready vital dispositions - e.g. help restructure pro-actively in the role of trustees/fiduciaries - separate from other roles of the market(s). More details follow below.
A "No-Group-Structure" for effective Impact Investing combines a Role-divided Business Model and an Open Ownership Model.
As already mentioned - a Regional Network Partner (RNP) of a CVN-Approach for Impact Investing offers access to a confidant or a trustee/fiduciary. S/he keeps other roles in the market apart - and is only paid by an established relation. S/he performs at arm's length to other roles in markets like lawyers, auditors, insurers, banks, brokers, fund managers - as well as at Arm's Length to politicians, regulators, case handlers in charge of governance-issues - and NGOs / other special interests / lobbies. promotes the Creditas-Initiative, which consists of several CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing.
Each CVN-Approach has "bridging-function(s)" for assembling strengths from many, spreading their risk and building capacities to facilitate effective carry through of e.g. pro-active restructuring and/or equity capital formation. Every CVN-Approach focuses on uncontested market space - to make competition irrelevant. An Outline of Regional Summits- and inter-linked versions of a Case on the Power of Collaboration are available.
Any of these versions can serve discussions on Scaling-Up of the CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing with REACH into the real economies of maritime regions + hinterlands.
An Outline of Regional Summits as well as a Case on Scaling-up of CVN-Approach(es) for Impact Investing can be found in the textbook: S.T.Evensen. 2018. The Altruistic Gene.
Cf. the Page: "Contact". Among writings in progress - look to a table of contents of a follow up:
"Maritime Regions: Align, Browse, Contain, Defend".
Cf. also the Page: "Networking in Maritime Regions" - for more details on and its CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing - focusing on maritime regions, where needs of owners and investors are similar everywhere.
Look also to the Page: "The Value Chain". It has a Pdf for downloading on the role-divided Value Chain by a No-Group-Structure for Impact Investing.
At first there will be a wanted, leading alliance, who helps assemble the participants of a Consortium of Alliances (CoA). Together they will share negative control of the initiative by a limited number of vote-rich A-shares in the "InvestCo.".
This Page offer insight into the's Impact Investing-initiative - whether you/the reader belongs to an existing- or a potential stakeholder-group; namely:
- Alliances/Catalysts;
- Limited Partners - holding Impact Bonds*;
- Self-directed Capital Partners, the future majority-owners;
- Regional Network Partners (RNPs) - organizing competent trustees;
- Owners/enterprisers and/or investors in unlisted SMEs in Maritime Regions. Cf. the Page: "Activities for Owner-Enterprise".
Please note: Each Page can be repetitive to cover an angle of the initiative.
As already mentioned - the CVN for Impact Investing can be presented by a Matrix - divided in 4.
On the Page overleaf - the CVN is presented as a "No-Group-Structure", which combines a Role-divided Business- and an Open Ownership Model. Its simplicity safeguards impartiality.
- The left half of the Matrix represents the Creditas-Initiative. It consists of Restru-Reorg AS/Ltd, an Investment firm (the “InvestCo”) and Protection Club Invest-Banc. The latter is for self-directed Capital Partners and other Stakeholders, who choose to become members. They are not obliged to participate in the Protection Club. If so, each one will have an individual Master Account - and be free to withdraw its assets. Therefore, the Protection Club is simply organized as an Association;
- The right half of the Matrix consists of a - organized as a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) + Endowment for Ethics & Enterprise. Both have vital roles in maritime networking as well as monitoring-/guiding of a "No-Group-Structure". organizes collaboration between Regional Network Partners (RNPs).
The essentials of a CVN-Approach for Impact Investing
As already underlined: It has a Role-divided Business- and an Open Ownership Model for the future majority-stakeholders; namely, the Self-directed Capital Partners. They choose to assemble by holding vote-weak B-shares - and to spread risk.
They get access to competent trustees/-fiduciaries - organized by Regional Network Partners (RNPs) - and can also focus on Impact Investing outside the transaction-fee driven financial markets.
This implies that Self-directed Capital Partners help shield Portfolios of Unlisted Participations in SMEs as members of the CVN's Protection Club Invest-Banc - until sustainability and viability are improved - and marketability can be achieved.
Limited Partners choose to invest in Impact Bonds, which may be convertible in Vote-weak B-shares. If so, then investors join the ranks of Self-directed Capital Partners.
Look to the Figure on Top of the Page: "Financial Models & Value Creation", which can help explain's Impact Investing-initiative - "in a nutshell".
Self-directed Capital Partners and other stakeholders are at times:
- In need of Pro-Active Restructuring & Reorganization (PARR) to get equity-capital in place - for example by opening up the ownership of an unlisted SME to members of Protection Club Invest-Banc;
- Able- and willing to assist others - e.g. unlisted SMEs, hereunder family-owned firms;
- Users of Enterpriser-Mart(s) for broadcasting needs, initiatives, etc. + reporting Independent Impact Analyses (IIA) of optional participations and actual development of investments.
The Crux: Alliance-profiles can contribute to real improvements in maritime regions + their hinterlands.
Needs of owners/enterprisers and investors are similar everywhere - especially in maritime regions, where most people live and work.
Wanted Alliances/Catalysts and Regional Network Partners (RNPs) are not invited for their money - but, for their values and willingness to coopt.
Vote-rich A-shares are offered at par value + transaction cost to the first Alliance/Catalyst as well as the first RNP - subject to that these holdings are kept separate and spread among peers according to a Letter of Intent (LoI) as an Owners' Agreement.
Both the first Alliance/Catalyst and the first RNP will each have negative control (40% of the vote-rich A-shares) from Day 1.
A new partner in will be responsible for Alliance/Catalyst-relations. The existing managing partner of will build relations to Regional Network Partners (RNPs) in Maritime Regions.
As stakeholders and members of the Protection Club they will be invited as limited partners - e.g. as investors in impact bonds convertible in vote-weak B-shares.
Note: The Alliances, on the one hand - and the RNPs, on the other hand - exercise influence in different roles- and capacities as owners. That is explained in the Letter of Intent (LoI) as a transparent Owners' Agreement.
Since the start in 1988 the CVN's "InvestCo" has NOT carried debt.
All research & development has been done by voluntary efforts and/or financed by paid in share capital - organized by The initiative is an innovative Social Enterprise for Impact Investing - a. o. based on access to competencies in Equity Capital-financing and Pro-Active Restructuring & Reorganization (PARR) as well as Independent Impact Analyses and holistic, environmental Land Banking.
After's first entry in New Venture Competition in 2017 - a Scaling-Up of the CVN-Approach was tested with a leading Global Industrial.
A Case was written - along with an Outline of Regional Summits on Effective Impact Investing in Maritime Regions. And lessons were learned after a Vulture Fund entered the scene and made collaboration with the Global industrial come to a full stop. submitted a new entry in NVC 2024 - with an improved approach boosted by FINTECH + Climatech etc.'s CVN-Approach is transparently summed up by this website.
A Consortium of Alliances - acting together or individually as Catalysts
The wanted profiles of a Consortium can choose Co-opetition** to achieve financial innovation with social impact. They can benefit “customers and customers' customers” - and contribute to the Scaling-up of a Social Enterprise for Impact Investing - organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN). They are - for example:
- An Industrial Benefactor and/or a successful Enterpriser, whose altruistic purpose is to benefit the livelihoods of others;
- A Public Catalyst of Impact Investing in a leading maritime center, which recognize the need to build REACH beyond the financial economy – and help repair damaged maritime regions;
- A Program for Talents' Action Learning/Vocational Training + Case-writing - backed by Emeriti of Academia and an Intl. Vocational Service Organization with Members of both Private- and Public Sector;
- A Global Industrial in Water/Food/Health, which want Impact Investing with REACH into the real economies of maritime regions, where needs of owners/enterprisers and investors are similar everywhere;
- A Logistics-company applying Regional Inter-Modal Transport Analyses (RIMTA) for simulation of alternative use of resources and technical standards in maritime regions;
- A Web-/Telecom-/IT Provider with Fintech-expertise, which can contribute to cyber-security - a. o. by keeping payments/settlements at arm’s length;
- An Engineering-/Systems Group involved in Basic-/Critical Infrastructure Developments - with access to independent, licensed Classification-/Verification-expertise;
- A Social Enterprise in Insurance & Banking with a licensed Asset Mgmt.-arm, which can serve a Flanker Bank-Fintech Initiative – like a CVN-Approach for Impact Investing.
The above potential alliance-profiles will have common denominators; e.g., to achieve innovation by coopetition* and a shared interest in maritime regions. Why?
Networking in- and between maritime regions is vital to defend collaborative pluralism by democratic accountability benefiting customers and customers’ customers.
Cf. Page: "Networking in Maritime Regions" and "Contact".
*) Coopetition is the act of cooperation between competing companies by forming a strategic alliance designed to achieve innovation (read: improvements).
The concept of co-opetition, i.e. alliances choosing cooperation to achieve innovation, is at odds with many people's competitive thinking as a driving force to create advantages...That can make it difficult to win acceptance for new, innovative initiatives, which require co-opetition. Moreover – many are linked to existing dominant players in financial markets – read: The Incumbents.
The growth of Multi-Role Financial Incumbents since deregulation of financial markets in 1987/-88 in EU - and since 1999 in the USA - has widened the GAP between the financial- and real economy. That should call for fair play reforms and pro-active measures.
A Social Enterprise for Impact Investing – organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN)** - has a “No-Group-Structure”, which combines a Role-divided Business Model with an Open Ownership Model. It becomes a contender to financial incumbents.
Influence and power are assigned to- and vested in existing institutions, networks and practices. These facts must be addressed and tackled by improvements in order to achieve a successful acceptance- / breakthrough of real financial innovation with social Impact.
**) Cf. Definitions of “Social Enterprise", "Impact Investing" and “Collaborative Value Network (CVN)” on the Internet. On the Page: "Activities for Owner-Enterprise" there is an introduction to a CVN. A CVN-Approach, which can provide impartiality, is an achievement. Look to Page: "Impact Analyses + Restructuring & Reorganization / Optional Reading below on's history since 1988.
There are precedents for Social Enterprises in Credit Banking and Insurance - but, not in Impact Investing financed by Equity-Capital and Convertible Subordinated Debt (read: A "Quasi-Equity Capital"). To solve that Conundrum requires a Collaborative Value Network (CVN)-Approach for Impact Investing. Look to the Page: "A Columbus' Egg".
A "No-Group-Structure" of a CVN-Approach - and its "InvestCo." - is not likely to become an initiative listed on a Stock-Exchange.
Shares picked by Self-directed Capital Partners for their Impact Investing Portfolio are found in the real economies of maritime regions - among underserved Small- and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs), hereunder family-owned firms, which lack "Names" in media and markets. Many are sceptic to the deal flows of transaction fee-driven cultures.
SMEs assemble as participants in- and stakeholders of Social Enterprises for Impact Investing - organized as Collaborative Value Networks (CVNs).
They rely on mutual efforts and -instruments for value creation - as well as Enterpriser-Marts for Broadcasting Initiatives, Needs, etc. - verified by Independent Impact Analyses (IIA) - to be reported before-, during- and after Impact Investing.
Social Enterprises for Impact Investing - with CVN-Approaches - will remain financed by risk capital from Self-directed Capital Partners - and other participations linked to-, monitored- and regulated by individual Master Accounts of Protection Clubs - according to general policies for systematic spreading of risk.
Impact Analyses + Pro-Active Restructuring & Reorganization (PARR) and related trustee-activities are not driven by transaction-fees.
Instead - step by step - they can help develop- and prove sustainability and viability of participations – thereby making them negotiable in the future. More details follow below on Page: “Impact Analyses + Restructuring & Reorganization” and Page: “Financial Models & Value Creation” - Model E.
Regional Network Partners (RNPs) of a CVN for Impact Investing
They organize competent trustees/fiduciaries in the fields of pro-active restructuring, equity capital-financing, ownership dilemmas and owner-governance. Cf. the "Wedges" of the CVN-Approach below.
Like the above-mentioned Consortium of Alliances - RNPs will also hold negative control of the "InvestCo" - and operational control - under the auspices of- and monitored by the CVN's Promoter and Protector.
The Self-directed Capital Partners will become the future majority owners, because the CVN-Approach for Impact Investing has an Open Ownership-model.
Capital Partners choose to hold vote-weak B-shares - to attain access to the competent trustees/fiduciaries organized by the RNPs. Then, they can make use of a right - but, not an obligation - to become members of a Protection Club for systematic Spreading of Risk.
Look to the "Bridging-functions" of the CVN-Approach below - for more details.*** - a Promoter- and a Protector of CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing promotes a "No-Group-Structure", which combines a business- and an open ownership model. It is a CVN-Approach for Impact Investing. The initiators of has formulated a Letter of Intent (LoI) directed to all stakeholders; i.e. Alliances, Regional Network Partners (RNPs) and Capital Partners. It serves as the shared Owners’ Agreement. In the role of Protector - monitors- and balances relations between the different stakeholders based on the LoI. The LoI also defines why-, when- and how a change of Protector is carried through. will hold 20% of the vote-rich A-shares. Its stake must be maintained at the cost of other holders of A-shares as a prerequisite for future issues of vote-rich A-shares.
***) is the internet domain and brand of Bankierhuset S.T.Evensen & Co LLP (Steco) and Bankierhuset AS/Ltd., a Captive Company. They are supported at arm’s length by Endowment for Ethics & Enterprise (EEE).
A Collaborative Value Network (CVN) for effective Impact Investing
As already mentioned on the Home-Page of - this site describes a Social Enterprise for Impact Investing - organized by an CVN-Approach, which combines a role-divided Business Model with an Open Ownership Model. participated in New Venture Competition (NVC) 2017 with its innovative entrant:
“A Social Enterprise for Impact Investing – organized as a CVN”. And for reasons mentioned above - has submitted an improved entry in NVC 2024:
"A Social Enterprise for Impact Investing - organized as a CVN - boosted by FINTECH".
The CVN-Approach has "Bridging Functions" between Enterprise and Wealth – and "Wedges" to separate the Roles of Markets.
On the CVN's "Bridging Functions":
They are an "InvestCo." for the CVN's Stakeholders (Restru-Reorg Ltd.) and a Protection Club Invest-Banc for Stakeholders. Future majority owners of the CVN are Capital Partners, who choose to invest in the vote-weak B-shares of InvestCo. They have a right, but not an obligation, to become members of the Protection Club for assembling strengths and spreading risk. Ad hoc self-directed participations are registered in Individual Master Accounts, which can apply Blockchain Exchange Technology**** - a method of recording information that makes it impossible or difficult for the system to be changed, hacked, or manipulated.
In the future there shall be Enterpriser-Marts in other Language Zones for Broadcasting Initiatives, Needs, etc. - promoted by Endowment for Ethics & Enterprise (EEE) - always acting at Arm's Length to CVNs for Impact Investing.
****) A blockchain is a distributed ledger that duplicates and distributes transactions across the network of computers participating in the blockchain.
On the CVN’s "Wedges":
They are single-role confidants and trustees/fiduciaries - organized by Regional Network Partners (RNPs). Like the CVN's Alliances - the RNPs also hold negative control in Restru-Reorg Ltd. by vote-rich A-shares.
As Regional-franchisees of the CVN - the RNPs are monitored by as a Protector. They can offer Pro-Active Restructuring and Reorganization (PARR)-expertise.
Cf. the next Page on "Impact Analyses - Restructuring & Reorganization". PARR is performed in line with EU- and other Regulations on Reconstruction - to offer the future of viable activities a better chance.
A general advice by experienced trustees/fiduciaries: Take a step back - to reflect on ownership and governance.
That decision can open up to deliberations with a confidant. The CVN’s RNPs can prepare- and/or ready vital dispositions - e.g. help restructure pro-actively in the role of trustees/fiduciaries - separate from other roles of the market(s). More details follow below.
A "No-Group-Structure" for effective Impact Investing combines a Role-divided Business Model and an Open Ownership Model.
As already mentioned - a Regional Network Partner (RNP) of a CVN-Approach for Impact Investing offers access to a confidant or a trustee/fiduciary. S/he keeps other roles in the market apart - and is only paid by an established relation. S/he performs at arm's length to other roles in markets like lawyers, auditors, insurers, banks, brokers, fund managers - as well as at Arm's Length to politicians, regulators, case handlers in charge of governance-issues - and NGOs / other special interests / lobbies. promotes the Creditas-Initiative, which consists of several CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing.
Each CVN-Approach has "bridging-function(s)" for assembling strengths from many, spreading their risk and building capacities to facilitate effective carry through of e.g. pro-active restructuring and/or equity capital formation. Every CVN-Approach focuses on uncontested market space - to make competition irrelevant. An Outline of Regional Summits- and inter-linked versions of a Case on the Power of Collaboration are available.
Any of these versions can serve discussions on Scaling-Up of the CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing with REACH into the real economies of maritime regions + hinterlands.
An Outline of Regional Summits as well as a Case on Scaling-up of CVN-Approach(es) for Impact Investing can be found in the textbook: S.T.Evensen. 2018. The Altruistic Gene.
Cf. the Page: "Contact". Among writings in progress - look to a table of contents of a follow up:
"Maritime Regions: Align, Browse, Contain, Defend".
Cf. also the Page: "Networking in Maritime Regions" - for more details on and its CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing - focusing on maritime regions, where needs of owners and investors are similar everywhere.
Look also to the Page: "The Value Chain". It has a Pdf for downloading on the role-divided Value Chain by a No-Group-Structure for Impact Investing.