was established in 1988 as a supplementing Alternative to emerging Multi-role Financial Groups - and other Transaction Fee-driven Players
Deregulation of European financial markets as well as fears of collusion by cross-selling of services caused the initiative, which takes a stance against corporate development, mixing of roles and abuse of atomists - as well as corporatism (lobbies), which undermine trust.
Real financial innovation with social impact is much needed in the real economies of maritime regions + hinterlands with uncontested market spaces; namely, underserved Small- and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs), hereunder family-owned firms, lacking "Names" in media and markets.
Most SMEs are outside the focus of deal flow-oriented, transaction-fee driven players - except if- and when they become "Cherries for Creative Destruction" - to be picked by Vulture-, Private Equity- and Early-phase Capital Funds. More details follow on the Page: "Funds Management (MGMT)".
The purpose of's initiative is to assemble SMEs, Limited Partners and Self-directed Capital Partners* in Social Enterprise for Impact Investing - organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN).
They get affordable access to competent trustees for peer-to-peer relations - and they have a right - but, not an obligation - to become members of a Protection Club Invest-Banc.
Individually and/or together they can raise capital e.g. to unlisted companies. These new participations in SMEs, hereunder family-owned firms, may dilute ownership. Therefore, the Protection Club must help shield ownership-control - as well as the participations per se - while sustainability, viability and marketability can be gradually proven. Independent Impact Analyses (IIA) can be carried through before-, during- and after investments in such unlisted portfolios. This kind of Impact Investing offers access to Self-directed Capital Partners* as well as openings for their search of value creation in the real economies - benefiting customers and customers' customers.
*) Note: A Self-directed Capital Partner, who is member of the CVN's Protection Club, manages her-/his own assets in an individual Master Account. There - the assets can increase - or they can be reduced by withdrawals - subject to a release from possible intermediate commitment(s). A Self-directed Capital Partner can be a person and/or organized as a LLC and/or a LLP.
Limited Partners can become Self-directed Capital Partners. Details follow below.
The Pages below offer insight into different angles of's initiative - whether you/the reader belongs to an existing- or a potential stakeholder-group; namely:
Social Enterprises for Impact Investing - organized as Collaborative Value Networks (CVNs) - can contribute to real financial innovation with social impact.
That can be achieved e.g. by pro-active restructuring and reorganization and/or raising equity capital. Historically social enterprises were active in mutual- and cooperative activities for savings, credit and insurance. Today needs of equity capital-financing, as well as tackling of ownership-dilemmas and owner-governance, should be provided to underserved SMEs without "Names" in media and markets by competent trustees/fiduciaries in maritime regions.
This is a large uncontested market space, which can be operated effectively and securely by FINTECH and/or a CVN-Approach for Impact Investing with a "No-Group-Structure". More details follow below.'s alternative has progressed to become a Social Enterprise for Pro-Active Restructuring as well as Impact Investing - organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN)
Social Enterprises can organize CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing in different industries and/or for various innovation-purposes.
Each CVN-Approach has a "No-Group-Structure" combining a Role-divided Business Model with an Open Ownership Model. Cf. the Page: "Financial Models & Value Creation" - Model E.
There is historic precedence for social enterprises in banking and insurance - e.g. mutual credit unions and cooperative banks named after a pioneer, F. W. Raiffeisen (1818-1888). Also on this subject there are more details below.'s alternative assembles strengths of Self-directed Capital Partners and offers them Access to competent Trustees for Impact Analyses + Pro-Active Restructuring & Reorganization.'s initiative can also help spread risk - for example by future contribution to innovative- and cyber-secure FINTECH.
Put briefly: focuses on needs of owners/enterprisers and investors in real economies of maritime regions, which are similar everywhere. They may need to assemble and position themselves to achieve affordable access to competent- and impartial expertise, etc.
The CVN-Approach for Impact Investing has an Open Ownership Structure for its future Majority-stakeholders; namely, the Self-directed Capital Partners, who choose to assemble by holding vote-weak B-shares - and to spread risk.
As already mentioned - they can achieve access to competent trustees / fiduciaries - organized by Regional Network Partners (RNPs) - and focus on Impact Investing outside transaction-fee driven financial markets. This implies that Self-directed Capital Partners can help shield Portfolios of Unlisted Participations in SMEs by means of a CVN's Protection Club Invest-Banc - for development of values until sustainability and viability are improved - and marketability can be achieved.'s initiative is vital to pluralism, ethics & enterprise. Successful scaling-up does require:
1) Alliances/Catalysts, who choose co-opetition to achieve real financial innovation with social impact;
2) Regional Network Partners (RNPs) - active in the real economies of maritime regions;
3) Limited Partners, who choose to invest in "Impact Bonds";
4) Assembly of Self-directed Capital Partners - benefiting also customers and customers' customers;
5) Enterpriser-Marts for broadcasting initiatives, needs, etc. - reporting on R&D by Impact Analyses;
For more details on for whom, why and how - look to the Pages: "Activities for Owner-Enterprise", "Alliances, RNPs &", "Impact Analyses + Restructuring & Reorganization" and “Networking in Maritime Regions”. was immediately blocked by the financial authorities due to illegal favoring of incumbents; namely, the business models of the financial industry's well-established players.
Therefore, Small- and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs) without "Names" in markets and media remained underserved by transaction fee-driven financial players. This happened caused by influential lobbyists - as well as omnipotence of bureaucrats, who controlled institutional development in the fields of finance.
This website presents's information re:
EU established European Social Innovation and Impact Fund (ESIIF) 11-2020.
There is also a massive EU Next Generation Fund for Post COVID-reconstruction, where means are distributed to member countries for investments in the real economy.
The Multi-Role Financial Group as a business model is > 35 years old in Europe
City of London deregulated the financial industry in 1987. Most European countries followed in 1988. That should trigger legislators to shed light on a corporate development and corporatism with unforeseen consequences.
The main reasons for deregulation were: To be competitive - and to be able to meet customers' needs effectively in various areas. The argument that cross-selling of services could result in abuse and collusion (due to increased power of financial groups with multiple roles) was not heard - nor that consolidation through acquisitions / mergers would spread to other administrative, corporate areas - as well as social enterprises; e.g. savings banks, mutual insurance companies, credit unions, building societies and cooperatives by consolidations.
The real economy needs alternatives to players driven by transaction fees
The real economy of developed nations accounts for more than 80 % of GDP - and an even larger share of job creation. The participants are Small- and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs), including family-owned firms, households and municipalities. Most are without "Names" in media and markets. Therefore, they are underserved by players with a focus on "Names" and repeat business of a fee-driven deal flow.
SMEs, households and municipalities also find themselves in situations, where the need for access to trustees/fiduciaries and other independent expertise is crucial. This can be tackled by social enterprises that understand owner-/enterpriser dynamics. Look to the Pages below on that topic in English, French, German and Scandinavian.
As already asserted - there is historic precedent for social enterprises in financial markets - e.g. in the areas of insurance and savings/credit. And access to expertise in areas of equity financing, ownership dilemmas and owner-governance is a scarce resource for those without "Names" in media and markets.
Therefore, will scale-up a Social Enterprise for Impact Investing - organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN) - focusing on maritime regions, where needs of owners/enterprisers and investors are similar - everywhere. Maritime regions have shared interests in assisting each other - e.g. to help repair damages caused by destructive hegemonies.
Look to the Page: "Financial Models & Value Creation" - for an overview of models for different purposes.'s CVN-Approach for Impact Investing has a “No-Group-Structure”, which combines a role-divided business model - and an open ownership model. Its simplicity safeguards impartiality.
The structure is presented on top of Page "Impact Analyses - Restructuring & Reorganization" by a Matrix divided in 4-four activities:
This website's Page 2: “Activities for Owner-Enterprise" elaborates on Trustees active in Impact Investing and Pro-Active Reconstruction" - and sheds light on establishing- and maintaining "peer-to-peer"-relations to secure- and/or create value.
The other Pages explain the CVN's “No-Group-Structure” with a role-divided business model for impartiality and an open ownership model for assembling strengths from many and to spread their risk.
Note: Each Page offers a different angle to a CVN for Impact Investing and Reconstruction.
The Crux: To attain effectiveness - and contribute to social impact and viability.
The overall purpose of the initiative is to contribute to goals and processes for improvements - e.g. simulations of alternatives
Decentralization of the World Wide Web (Internet) by much needed real financial reform, hereunder financial innovation applied to investing with social impact, is possible. Other vital issues are to help reduce Climate Change by "General, Fair Play Green Pricing" (defined below) - as well as independent Impact Analyses.
Let us first take a step back - to the situation before deregulation of European financial markets in 1987
Then a partner of a sovereign "Bankierhaus / Maison des Banquiers / Acceptance-/ Merchant Banking-house" would act as a confidant or a trustee/fiduciary at arm's length to other roles in financial markets; e.g. insurers, trading houses, brokers, clearing-banks and asset managers. "Bankier"-houses were pivotal to international financial centers - like Hamburg, Amsterdam, London, Paris and Genova. During more than two centuries they had developed- and practiced a strict code for fit and proper conduct, which had resulted in positioning, overview and legitimacy to peg specific prices - and to arbitrate. Whenever this code of conduct was broken, then the responsible parties were punished.
Look to a Postscript on Ability & Trust on this Page - and on Trust with a historic-, systemic- and resource-based perspective on the Pages: "Financial Reform" and "Financial Models & Value Creation".
After the deregulation the list of relationships at a "Bankier"-house became valuable to multi-role financial groups with cross-selling strategies - driven by transaction fees and stimulated by internal bonus schemes. Today there are few independent "Bankier"-houses left - except in "Vermögensverwaltung / Gestion de Fortune / Wealth Management".
Note: Now multi-role financial groups are also in "Private Banking" - focusing on rich clients.
As already asserted: National authorities have tended to favor illegally the business models of the financial industry's incumbents. Therefore, Small and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs) without "Names" in media and markets have become underserved. That has resulted in damages and complaints.
"National Remedy" and "the Principle of State Liability" according to EU-/EEA Law have been ignored so far in the EEA-member country, Norway. For details in a Scandinavian tongue - please look to the Page: "'s hjem".
Article 226 EC grants the European Commission the right to initiate Infringement Proceedings against member states that have failed to fulfill a Treaty obligation. There are five types of Infringements Proceedings in case of Noncompliance-/Violation EU Law. Efta Surveillance Authority (ESA) should conduct Infringement Proceedings re: an EEA-member like Norway. But, so far the College of ESA - with Norway as its largest member state - can cast a decisive vote in matters of proceedings re: "National Remedy" and "State Liability".
Note: ESA is supposed to prepare- and present a case of unresolved conflict with an EEA-member like Norway to The EFTA Court in Luxembourg. Reminders of these facts have been ignored so far by ESA.
After the economic crises of 2007-2009 real financial reforms with social impact were long overdue.
Illegal favoring should have been stopped - likewise collusion by a ban on cross-selling strategies stimulated by internal bonus schemes. Instead, macro-economists with distance to- and little insight into real economy and behavior were authorized to steer "financial stability" - according to their criteria and historical data (statistics).
Cf. an Article 11-2022 by Professor Jon Danielsson, in the Vox Blog on the fear of financial instability. An excerpt of his substantiated assertions: "The fear is unmeasureable. Steering of financial stability to prevent crises can be unfortunate and result in more instability, because every crisis is unique and reactions of institutions are unforeseeable". participated in New Venture Competition (NVC) 2017 with the entry: “A Social Enterprise for Impact Investing – organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN)”.
It got a positive response from a Global Industrial Group, which thereafter was attacked by a Vulture Fund.
An improved NVC-entry - boosted by FINTECH - was submitted 2024.
It is an alternative to "Vulture-funds" - e.g. to challenge a "2/20-remuneration-formula", which benefits primarily the General Managers.'s alternative can- and will build REACH for Impact Investing based on Independent Impact Analyses (IIA) beyond the financial economy - into the real economies of maritime regions. More details follow below. Look to the Pages: "Impact Analyses + Restructuring & Reorganization", "Networking in Maritime Regions", "Contact" under "Writings in progress" - and: "Stances on Funds Mgmt.", hereunder Private Equity.
The CVN-Approach for Impact Investing has a “No-Group-Structure”, which combines a role-divided business model - and an open ownership model.
As already mentioned above - invites stakeholder-profiles, who set "Purpose before Profit":
During- and after a COVID-pandemic, crisis and warfare - the authorities should focus on needs of the real economy and behavior by "nudging" and general policies as well as pro-active measures and institutional changes - e.g. a "Green Shift" based on "Green Pricing" for more Circular Economy...
There are many National Plans for the Climate and the Environments. However, there is no framework for General, Fair Play "Green Pricing", i. e. to tax- and/or stimulate actual use of resources and technical standards.
EU Classification of Taxonomy, i.e. whether economic activities are sustainable or not, has 6-six criteria. An EU-Regulation requires publishing of information on investments' sustainability to investors by the financial sector.
Before July 17, 2021 the European countries implemented an EU Directive 2019-1023 concerning restructuring, insolvency and discharge of debt. But, effective national implementations required preparations - e.g., setting up specialized courts for pro-active restructuring and resource-conflicts. Access to liquidity must be made available by an insurance arrangement based on Public- and Private Cooperation (PPC) as one measure of a reform for debt relief as well as effective, pro-active restructuring and reorganization.
The 6th Assessment Report from the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 4-2022
It was alarming that too little had been done pro-actively to stop Global Warming. However, prices of new technologies to help reduce climate changes have come down. General Policies on "Green Pricing" for a "Green Shift" must appear.
A quote from the UN Environment Program 12-2022:
"The United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) ended in Montreal, Canada, with an agreement to guide global action on nature through to 2030. Representatives from 188 governments have been gathered in Montreal for the past two weeks for the important summit. Chaired by China and hosted by Canada, COP 15 resulted in the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) on the last day of negotiations. The GBF aims to address biodiversity loss, restore ecosystems and protect indigenous rights. The plan includes concrete measures to halt and reverse nature loss, including putting 30 per cent of the planet and 30 per cent of degraded ecosystems under protection by 2030. It also contains proposals to increase finance to developing countries – a major sticking point during talks”. End of quote.
The UN Climate Summit 12-2023 (COP28) in Dubai reached positive decisions. Phasing-out of non-renewable energy will have to happen to reach a sustainable Climate-accord. The Summit reached an agreement on: "A transfer away from use of fossile energy".
A brief on the Regional Network Partners & Associates - the franchisees of
They practice a single-role as confidants or trustees/fiduciaries - and offer a value proposition to a new relationship after a dialogue - e.g. on how to become better prepared to meet markets. The needs of owners/enterprisers and investors are similar everywhere - especially in maritime regions. RNPs focus on these needs and are "wedges" for impartiality by separating roles in markets and industries. There is no hidden agenda and/or carried interest. Relations are built on trust. RNPs build network and competency in maritime regions. They offer deliberations on vital dispositions; such as Pro-Active Restructuring and Reorganization (PARR) - e.g. by altering use of assets to strengthen access to equity capital and/or mezzanine financing.
For more details look to the Pages: "Activities for Owner-Enterprise", "Owner Dynamics" (in English, French, German and Scandinavian) - as well as "Funds Mgmt. - Stances on Private Equity" and "Focus on Pluralism and the Real Economies of Maritime Regions" (ca. 800 words).
To initiate a mutual exchange of information contact's e-mail address: [email protected]
A Postscript on Ability & Trust:
Ability by impartiality is about competence, self-insight and independence
Deregulation of European financial markets as well as fears of collusion by cross-selling of services caused the initiative, which takes a stance against corporate development, mixing of roles and abuse of atomists - as well as corporatism (lobbies), which undermine trust.
Real financial innovation with social impact is much needed in the real economies of maritime regions + hinterlands with uncontested market spaces; namely, underserved Small- and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs), hereunder family-owned firms, lacking "Names" in media and markets.
Most SMEs are outside the focus of deal flow-oriented, transaction-fee driven players - except if- and when they become "Cherries for Creative Destruction" - to be picked by Vulture-, Private Equity- and Early-phase Capital Funds. More details follow on the Page: "Funds Management (MGMT)".
The purpose of's initiative is to assemble SMEs, Limited Partners and Self-directed Capital Partners* in Social Enterprise for Impact Investing - organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN).
They get affordable access to competent trustees for peer-to-peer relations - and they have a right - but, not an obligation - to become members of a Protection Club Invest-Banc.
Individually and/or together they can raise capital e.g. to unlisted companies. These new participations in SMEs, hereunder family-owned firms, may dilute ownership. Therefore, the Protection Club must help shield ownership-control - as well as the participations per se - while sustainability, viability and marketability can be gradually proven. Independent Impact Analyses (IIA) can be carried through before-, during- and after investments in such unlisted portfolios. This kind of Impact Investing offers access to Self-directed Capital Partners* as well as openings for their search of value creation in the real economies - benefiting customers and customers' customers.
*) Note: A Self-directed Capital Partner, who is member of the CVN's Protection Club, manages her-/his own assets in an individual Master Account. There - the assets can increase - or they can be reduced by withdrawals - subject to a release from possible intermediate commitment(s). A Self-directed Capital Partner can be a person and/or organized as a LLC and/or a LLP.
Limited Partners can become Self-directed Capital Partners. Details follow below.
The Pages below offer insight into different angles of's initiative - whether you/the reader belongs to an existing- or a potential stakeholder-group; namely:
- Alliances/Catalysts - holding vote-rich shares with negative control;
- Regional Network Partners (RNPs) with negative control - organizing competent trustees;
- Limited Partners - holding "Impact Bonds". Look to the top of Page: "Financial Models", which explains building of social enterprise for impact investing - organized as a CVN;
- Self-directed Capital Partners - the future majority-owners holding vote-weak shares;
- Owners/enterprisers and/or investors in unlisted SMEs, hereunder family-owned firms, in Maritime Regions. Cf. the Page: "Activities for Owner-Enterprise".
Social Enterprises for Impact Investing - organized as Collaborative Value Networks (CVNs) - can contribute to real financial innovation with social impact.
That can be achieved e.g. by pro-active restructuring and reorganization and/or raising equity capital. Historically social enterprises were active in mutual- and cooperative activities for savings, credit and insurance. Today needs of equity capital-financing, as well as tackling of ownership-dilemmas and owner-governance, should be provided to underserved SMEs without "Names" in media and markets by competent trustees/fiduciaries in maritime regions.
This is a large uncontested market space, which can be operated effectively and securely by FINTECH and/or a CVN-Approach for Impact Investing with a "No-Group-Structure". More details follow below.'s alternative has progressed to become a Social Enterprise for Pro-Active Restructuring as well as Impact Investing - organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN)
Social Enterprises can organize CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing in different industries and/or for various innovation-purposes.
Each CVN-Approach has a "No-Group-Structure" combining a Role-divided Business Model with an Open Ownership Model. Cf. the Page: "Financial Models & Value Creation" - Model E.
There is historic precedence for social enterprises in banking and insurance - e.g. mutual credit unions and cooperative banks named after a pioneer, F. W. Raiffeisen (1818-1888). Also on this subject there are more details below.'s alternative assembles strengths of Self-directed Capital Partners and offers them Access to competent Trustees for Impact Analyses + Pro-Active Restructuring & Reorganization.'s initiative can also help spread risk - for example by future contribution to innovative- and cyber-secure FINTECH.
Put briefly: focuses on needs of owners/enterprisers and investors in real economies of maritime regions, which are similar everywhere. They may need to assemble and position themselves to achieve affordable access to competent- and impartial expertise, etc.
The CVN-Approach for Impact Investing has an Open Ownership Structure for its future Majority-stakeholders; namely, the Self-directed Capital Partners, who choose to assemble by holding vote-weak B-shares - and to spread risk.
As already mentioned - they can achieve access to competent trustees / fiduciaries - organized by Regional Network Partners (RNPs) - and focus on Impact Investing outside transaction-fee driven financial markets. This implies that Self-directed Capital Partners can help shield Portfolios of Unlisted Participations in SMEs by means of a CVN's Protection Club Invest-Banc - for development of values until sustainability and viability are improved - and marketability can be achieved.'s initiative is vital to pluralism, ethics & enterprise. Successful scaling-up does require:
1) Alliances/Catalysts, who choose co-opetition to achieve real financial innovation with social impact;
2) Regional Network Partners (RNPs) - active in the real economies of maritime regions;
3) Limited Partners, who choose to invest in "Impact Bonds";
4) Assembly of Self-directed Capital Partners - benefiting also customers and customers' customers;
5) Enterpriser-Marts for broadcasting initiatives, needs, etc. - reporting on R&D by Impact Analyses;
For more details on for whom, why and how - look to the Pages: "Activities for Owner-Enterprise", "Alliances, RNPs &", "Impact Analyses + Restructuring & Reorganization" and “Networking in Maritime Regions”. was immediately blocked by the financial authorities due to illegal favoring of incumbents; namely, the business models of the financial industry's well-established players.
Therefore, Small- and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs) without "Names" in markets and media remained underserved by transaction fee-driven financial players. This happened caused by influential lobbyists - as well as omnipotence of bureaucrats, who controlled institutional development in the fields of finance.
This website presents's information re:
- Development & Operations of a supplementing Alternative to Multi-Role Financial Players - where one can "check course - set best direction" without exposure to people with cross-selling strategies;
- Processes & Activities to Scale-Up the Alternative; namely, Social Enterprises for Impact Investing - organized as Collaborative Value Networks (CVNs), i.e. "No-Group-Structures", which are explained below;
- Focus on reforms and pro-active measures/-actions re: needs- and behavior in real economies of maritime regions - to build knowledge about CVN-Approaches for Effective Impact Investing.
EU established European Social Innovation and Impact Fund (ESIIF) 11-2020.
There is also a massive EU Next Generation Fund for Post COVID-reconstruction, where means are distributed to member countries for investments in the real economy.
The Multi-Role Financial Group as a business model is > 35 years old in Europe
City of London deregulated the financial industry in 1987. Most European countries followed in 1988. That should trigger legislators to shed light on a corporate development and corporatism with unforeseen consequences.
The main reasons for deregulation were: To be competitive - and to be able to meet customers' needs effectively in various areas. The argument that cross-selling of services could result in abuse and collusion (due to increased power of financial groups with multiple roles) was not heard - nor that consolidation through acquisitions / mergers would spread to other administrative, corporate areas - as well as social enterprises; e.g. savings banks, mutual insurance companies, credit unions, building societies and cooperatives by consolidations.
The real economy needs alternatives to players driven by transaction fees
The real economy of developed nations accounts for more than 80 % of GDP - and an even larger share of job creation. The participants are Small- and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs), including family-owned firms, households and municipalities. Most are without "Names" in media and markets. Therefore, they are underserved by players with a focus on "Names" and repeat business of a fee-driven deal flow.
SMEs, households and municipalities also find themselves in situations, where the need for access to trustees/fiduciaries and other independent expertise is crucial. This can be tackled by social enterprises that understand owner-/enterpriser dynamics. Look to the Pages below on that topic in English, French, German and Scandinavian.
As already asserted - there is historic precedent for social enterprises in financial markets - e.g. in the areas of insurance and savings/credit. And access to expertise in areas of equity financing, ownership dilemmas and owner-governance is a scarce resource for those without "Names" in media and markets.
Therefore, will scale-up a Social Enterprise for Impact Investing - organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN) - focusing on maritime regions, where needs of owners/enterprisers and investors are similar - everywhere. Maritime regions have shared interests in assisting each other - e.g. to help repair damages caused by destructive hegemonies.
Look to the Page: "Financial Models & Value Creation" - for an overview of models for different purposes.'s CVN-Approach for Impact Investing has a “No-Group-Structure”, which combines a role-divided business model - and an open ownership model. Its simplicity safeguards impartiality.
The structure is presented on top of Page "Impact Analyses - Restructuring & Reorganization" by a Matrix divided in 4-four activities:
- The left side of the Matrix is the Creditas-initiative: Restru-Reorg + Protection Club Invest-Banc - representing "Bridges” - for example between enterprise and wealth - also for spreading risk;
- The right side is, Protector of the initiative + Endowment for Ethics-Enterprise/ Enterpriser-Marts - representing "Wedges” for Role-divided Value Chains - re: Pro-Active Restructuring and Impact Analyses - deliberating equity capital-financing as well as ownership-dilemmas and owner-governance.
This website's Page 2: “Activities for Owner-Enterprise" elaborates on Trustees active in Impact Investing and Pro-Active Reconstruction" - and sheds light on establishing- and maintaining "peer-to-peer"-relations to secure- and/or create value.
The other Pages explain the CVN's “No-Group-Structure” with a role-divided business model for impartiality and an open ownership model for assembling strengths from many and to spread their risk.
Note: Each Page offers a different angle to a CVN for Impact Investing and Reconstruction.
The Crux: To attain effectiveness - and contribute to social impact and viability.
The overall purpose of the initiative is to contribute to goals and processes for improvements - e.g. simulations of alternatives
Decentralization of the World Wide Web (Internet) by much needed real financial reform, hereunder financial innovation applied to investing with social impact, is possible. Other vital issues are to help reduce Climate Change by "General, Fair Play Green Pricing" (defined below) - as well as independent Impact Analyses.
Let us first take a step back - to the situation before deregulation of European financial markets in 1987
Then a partner of a sovereign "Bankierhaus / Maison des Banquiers / Acceptance-/ Merchant Banking-house" would act as a confidant or a trustee/fiduciary at arm's length to other roles in financial markets; e.g. insurers, trading houses, brokers, clearing-banks and asset managers. "Bankier"-houses were pivotal to international financial centers - like Hamburg, Amsterdam, London, Paris and Genova. During more than two centuries they had developed- and practiced a strict code for fit and proper conduct, which had resulted in positioning, overview and legitimacy to peg specific prices - and to arbitrate. Whenever this code of conduct was broken, then the responsible parties were punished.
Look to a Postscript on Ability & Trust on this Page - and on Trust with a historic-, systemic- and resource-based perspective on the Pages: "Financial Reform" and "Financial Models & Value Creation".
After the deregulation the list of relationships at a "Bankier"-house became valuable to multi-role financial groups with cross-selling strategies - driven by transaction fees and stimulated by internal bonus schemes. Today there are few independent "Bankier"-houses left - except in "Vermögensverwaltung / Gestion de Fortune / Wealth Management".
Note: Now multi-role financial groups are also in "Private Banking" - focusing on rich clients.
As already asserted: National authorities have tended to favor illegally the business models of the financial industry's incumbents. Therefore, Small and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs) without "Names" in media and markets have become underserved. That has resulted in damages and complaints.
"National Remedy" and "the Principle of State Liability" according to EU-/EEA Law have been ignored so far in the EEA-member country, Norway. For details in a Scandinavian tongue - please look to the Page: "'s hjem".
Article 226 EC grants the European Commission the right to initiate Infringement Proceedings against member states that have failed to fulfill a Treaty obligation. There are five types of Infringements Proceedings in case of Noncompliance-/Violation EU Law. Efta Surveillance Authority (ESA) should conduct Infringement Proceedings re: an EEA-member like Norway. But, so far the College of ESA - with Norway as its largest member state - can cast a decisive vote in matters of proceedings re: "National Remedy" and "State Liability".
Note: ESA is supposed to prepare- and present a case of unresolved conflict with an EEA-member like Norway to The EFTA Court in Luxembourg. Reminders of these facts have been ignored so far by ESA.
After the economic crises of 2007-2009 real financial reforms with social impact were long overdue.
Illegal favoring should have been stopped - likewise collusion by a ban on cross-selling strategies stimulated by internal bonus schemes. Instead, macro-economists with distance to- and little insight into real economy and behavior were authorized to steer "financial stability" - according to their criteria and historical data (statistics).
Cf. an Article 11-2022 by Professor Jon Danielsson, in the Vox Blog on the fear of financial instability. An excerpt of his substantiated assertions: "The fear is unmeasureable. Steering of financial stability to prevent crises can be unfortunate and result in more instability, because every crisis is unique and reactions of institutions are unforeseeable". participated in New Venture Competition (NVC) 2017 with the entry: “A Social Enterprise for Impact Investing – organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN)”.
It got a positive response from a Global Industrial Group, which thereafter was attacked by a Vulture Fund.
An improved NVC-entry - boosted by FINTECH - was submitted 2024.
It is an alternative to "Vulture-funds" - e.g. to challenge a "2/20-remuneration-formula", which benefits primarily the General Managers.'s alternative can- and will build REACH for Impact Investing based on Independent Impact Analyses (IIA) beyond the financial economy - into the real economies of maritime regions. More details follow below. Look to the Pages: "Impact Analyses + Restructuring & Reorganization", "Networking in Maritime Regions", "Contact" under "Writings in progress" - and: "Stances on Funds Mgmt.", hereunder Private Equity.
The CVN-Approach for Impact Investing has a “No-Group-Structure”, which combines a role-divided business model - and an open ownership model.
As already mentioned above - invites stakeholder-profiles, who set "Purpose before Profit":
- Alliance-Profiles / Catalysts - choosing Co-opetition to achieve Innovation - to benefit customers and customers’ customers;
- Regional Network Partners (RNPs), who are single-role trustees/fiduciaries in the ecosystem of maritime regions + hinterlands. They will separate the roles of markets - and ask for verification from independent expertise;
- Limited Partners - who choose to hold Impact Bonds, which may be convertible in Vote-weak B-shares;
- Self-directed Capital Partners, who will become the future majority-owners of the CVN. They will assemble strengths and spread risk to build capacity - to facilitate pro-active restructuring of- and capital formation to viable and sustainable activities.
During- and after a COVID-pandemic, crisis and warfare - the authorities should focus on needs of the real economy and behavior by "nudging" and general policies as well as pro-active measures and institutional changes - e.g. a "Green Shift" based on "Green Pricing" for more Circular Economy...
There are many National Plans for the Climate and the Environments. However, there is no framework for General, Fair Play "Green Pricing", i. e. to tax- and/or stimulate actual use of resources and technical standards.
EU Classification of Taxonomy, i.e. whether economic activities are sustainable or not, has 6-six criteria. An EU-Regulation requires publishing of information on investments' sustainability to investors by the financial sector.
Before July 17, 2021 the European countries implemented an EU Directive 2019-1023 concerning restructuring, insolvency and discharge of debt. But, effective national implementations required preparations - e.g., setting up specialized courts for pro-active restructuring and resource-conflicts. Access to liquidity must be made available by an insurance arrangement based on Public- and Private Cooperation (PPC) as one measure of a reform for debt relief as well as effective, pro-active restructuring and reorganization.
The 6th Assessment Report from the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 4-2022
It was alarming that too little had been done pro-actively to stop Global Warming. However, prices of new technologies to help reduce climate changes have come down. General Policies on "Green Pricing" for a "Green Shift" must appear.
A quote from the UN Environment Program 12-2022:
"The United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) ended in Montreal, Canada, with an agreement to guide global action on nature through to 2030. Representatives from 188 governments have been gathered in Montreal for the past two weeks for the important summit. Chaired by China and hosted by Canada, COP 15 resulted in the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) on the last day of negotiations. The GBF aims to address biodiversity loss, restore ecosystems and protect indigenous rights. The plan includes concrete measures to halt and reverse nature loss, including putting 30 per cent of the planet and 30 per cent of degraded ecosystems under protection by 2030. It also contains proposals to increase finance to developing countries – a major sticking point during talks”. End of quote.
The UN Climate Summit 12-2023 (COP28) in Dubai reached positive decisions. Phasing-out of non-renewable energy will have to happen to reach a sustainable Climate-accord. The Summit reached an agreement on: "A transfer away from use of fossile energy".
A brief on the Regional Network Partners & Associates - the franchisees of
They practice a single-role as confidants or trustees/fiduciaries - and offer a value proposition to a new relationship after a dialogue - e.g. on how to become better prepared to meet markets. The needs of owners/enterprisers and investors are similar everywhere - especially in maritime regions. RNPs focus on these needs and are "wedges" for impartiality by separating roles in markets and industries. There is no hidden agenda and/or carried interest. Relations are built on trust. RNPs build network and competency in maritime regions. They offer deliberations on vital dispositions; such as Pro-Active Restructuring and Reorganization (PARR) - e.g. by altering use of assets to strengthen access to equity capital and/or mezzanine financing.
For more details look to the Pages: "Activities for Owner-Enterprise", "Owner Dynamics" (in English, French, German and Scandinavian) - as well as "Funds Mgmt. - Stances on Private Equity" and "Focus on Pluralism and the Real Economies of Maritime Regions" (ca. 800 words).
To initiate a mutual exchange of information contact's e-mail address: [email protected]
A Postscript on Ability & Trust:
Ability by impartiality is about competence, self-insight and independence
- To have the competence to be able to perform work-tasks satisfactorily;
- Show role-understanding and suitability through necessary self-insight and integrity;
- Be independent in relation to other people, interests and roles - including to avoid and prevent possible inside information and collusion / network corruption.