Activities for Owner-Enterprise
A MATRIX found on top of the Page: "Impact Analyses - Restructuring & Reorganization" shows a CVN-Approach for Impact Investing and its “No-Group-Structure”.
The Crux: Engage wanted Alliances/Catalysts to coopt in order to achieve real financial innovation - benefiting “customers and customers’ customers” – and engage Regional Network Partners (RNPs), who can- and will organize competent trustees in maritime regions.
The rest of this Page on Owner-Enterprise illuminates:
1. Activities to reduce an increasing GAP between the financial- and the real economy - organized- and performed by a Collaborative Approach for Owner-Enterprise
Access to competency and trust can be scarce in sensitive situations; especially, if you are underserved by the incumbents of the financial industry, who focus on “Names” in financial markets and repeat business.
An approach based on participants’ enlightenment by pro-activity, reason, individuality and skepticism can tackle financial players’ cross-selling strategies, influential lobbies and corporate development of financial markets. has named it a Collaborative Value Network (CVN), which combine a role-divided business- and an open ownership model. That makes it a “No-Group-Structure” for serving Owners/Enterprisers and Investors as its primary stakeholders - and offer transparency e.g. to public catalysts of impact investing, academia, altruistic Foundations/ NGOs/ other CVNs.
The CVN-Approach for Impact Investing is an example of a much needed institutional development to achieve improvements for the real economies of maritime regions, where needs of owners/ enterprisers and investors are similar everywhere. Its owner-orientation comes to show, when you study the CVN’s Owners’ Agreement – a Letter of Intent (LoI) between wanted stakeholders.
A Collaborative Approach for Owner-Enterprise can be scaled up by organizations and persons, who care about economic co-responsibility as a dividing line in politics and markets. They are:
2. Activities of Advisors – general comments
The noun advisor stems from old French “avis”, meaning opinion. At the root of the word is the Latin “vis”, which is based on a verb meaning “to see” - found in words like a “vision”.
A competent advisor can help “to see what was not seen before” – e.g. cross-professional findings on use of resources and technical standards – or impacts on environmental qualities and livelihoods.
Academic-, legal-, economic-, financial-, technical-, political- and/or environmental advisors are persons, who offer guidance in the context of formal, professional relationships.
A Postscript mentions advisors in 2 legal systems with different approaches and consequences. Technical-, environmental- and political advisors offer politicians advice to substantiate their decision-making. Inconsistency can be covered-up by fragmented/narrow analysis - by lobby-commissioned R&D and/or populist-/leading-sentences in “Abstracts” or input to media-coverage.
Whether or not advisor-/client-relationships agree with- or fully understand each other is a separate story. Financial advisors - and “their” clients - seldom do. There may be lack of trust due to information asymmetry/ hidden agendas by transaction fees and give-up commissions - or network corruption by career-opportunities.
Good decision-making should be based on mutual efforts and respect in “peer-to-peer”-relations open to new insight. Then one can achieve Single-Role Alternatives to Incumbents of the Financial Industry - with their multi-role groups and cross-selling strategies – for example:
A Social Enterprise for Impact Investing – organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN).
The precedence of such a CVN-Approach, which offers access to trustees/fiduciaries, can be found among historic bankier-houses and merchant banks before the “Big Bang”-deregulation of City of London 1987 – as well as among mutual- and cooperative institutions for savings/loans and insurance. But, the latter refrained from advice on equity capital-finance and ownership.
Participations in- and Advantages of Collaborative Value Networks for Impact Investing – why, for whom, how and where?
A Social Enterprise for Impact Investing – organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN) - offer Self-directed Capital Partners the right – but not an obligation – to become Members of a Protection Club for assembly of strengths and systematic spreading of risk. There the Members have individual master accounts, which can hold convertible impact bonds as well as other financial instruments, like shares in unlisted companies related to different impact investing-situations and purposes - e.g.:
3. Activities by established “peer-to-peer” relations – related to’s CVN-initiative presented on this website.
“Peer-to-peer”-relations between clients and chosen trustees/fiduciaries can result in mutual learning - e.g. based on what can become a Case-material for real dialogue between directors.
Anonymized Cases also of Small- and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs) can become an important source of teaching material. And Programs for Talents’ Action learning can contribute to such Case-writing.
Trustees* in Impact Investing** and Reconstruction*** can build Cases for “peer-to-peer”-dialogue
Buying-, managing- and selling assets represent great transaction volumes of financial values.
Only Nature itself stands for greater values. But, Nature is vulnerable, because humans do change environmental qualities and even the climate. Water scarcity and salinization as well as food-insecurity and health risks are moving closer in many places - as well as challenges in connection with societal insecurities and critical-/basic infrastructure. Due to the complex issues related to investment- and property markets - you may face impacts of even highly improbable changes - and pitfalls. Social Enterprises for Impact Investing and/or Land Banking - organized as Collaborative Value Networks (CVNs) - can assemble strengths from many - and offer access to a competent, impartial trustee in sensitive situations...
Access to a competent trustee will become increasingly important
Building a “Peer-to-peer”-relation starts with a dialogue re: purpose of purchase-, management- and sale of assets as to value propositions based on a number of needs - for example:
Become better prepared to face media and markets - request impartiality/role-divided value chains - and prepare access to equity capital at all times.
A trustee can contribute to effective searches, asset management, sales - for you to hold wanted investments instead of frequently entering- and exiting markets. Transactions without merit can be costly. Therefore, discussing Cases and real alternatives can make you better prepared to implement your dispositions and to deal with the consequences. That can be interesting and prove to be useful.
She/he can monitor e.g. separation of roles, when following purchase-/management-/sales of assets. Understanding market-participants/special interests as well as asset managers/banks can help negotiations.
The trustee can give advice on how to enter-/exit ownership as well as asset management - taking into account civil-, inheritance- and other relevant tax laws - and need of intermediate financing - as well as how to organize other follow-up.
A “peer-to-peer”-relation with a competent trustee can help to tackle transaction fee-driven players. When-/where they pop up, one must know who pays the fees - i.e. who is the other party.
Those, who find a wanted investment, can ask a competent trustee/fiduciary to investigate whether the object is for sale – or not. Neutral marts for broadcasting initiatives, needs, etc. are poorly developed in many places. Why? Most transaction fee-driven players only see “Names” in media and markets as wanted clients (read: sources of repeat business and fees).
Elders with extensive life experience state:
“There can be a lot to buy - with inherent difficulties to manage and/or to sell. However, planning for change in time is always important».
Trustees*/fiduciaries in Impact Investing/Land Banking** and Reconstruction*** can assist as to a mandate - always at arm’s length and through role-divided networks in maritime regions.
They know notaries/lawyers abroad and domestic lawyers/auditors/banks, who can be involved already. Competent trustees also know international contacts, who can offer financing and/or they have links to expertise, when investing, managing and/or selling abroad.
*) The role of a trustee exists for issuers- and holders of debt-instruments/bonds. But, the role is lacking- or faulty for those who are- and become wealthy. Therefore, organizes trustees, who focus on the real economy + behavior and institutional changes in maritime regions, where needs of owners/enterprisers and investors are similar all over the World.
Look to the Pages: "Alliances, RNPs &", "Restructuring & Reorganization", "Networking in Maritime Regions". Note: In many countries, foreign players cannot sell/buy/broker real estate and/or other assets from abroad - i.e. at distance. But, a competent trustee can follow effectively processes and players abroad according to mandate. However, there are specialized, foreign-owned companies, which operate with affiliates in nations with restrictions - re:
Since 1988, has built competencies by developing applications of Social Enterprises for Impact Investing - organized as a Collaborative Value Networks (CVNs) - for reach into the real economies of maritime regions. This has resulted in experiences of equity capital-financing, ownership-dilemmas and owner-governance, hereunder pro-active restructuring and independent analyses re: Owner-/Enterpriser Dynamics, Land Banking, Construction-Classification, Circular economy (Enec-, Resec-, E-cube- and Impact Analyses), Green Pricing and Regional Inter-Modal Transport Analysis (RIMTA) - to simulate alternative strategies for effective basic infrastructure and environmental use of land. The Crux: Sustainability and Viability always keeping in mind Brand-building and Ethics.
***) EU’s Directive on Reconstruction (Pro-Active Restructuring, Solvency-measures, Debt Relief) was supposed to be implemented in EU before July 17, 2021. Many preparations were needed to fully implement the directive - e.g. to establish competent specialized courts with access to trustees and cross-professional, independent expertise - as well as access to liquidity to finance Pro-Active Restructuring and Reorganization (PARR).
Insurance arrangements based on Public- and Private Cooperation (PPC) to secure SMEs' access to financing of PARR are much needed - along with Debt Relief Reforms, which can help offer the future of e.g. SMEs a better chance.
A brief Postscript on Common Law vs. Roman Law
In areas of Common law as a legal system Opinions based on discretion by due equity and/or precedents are decisive for Courts and judges as well litigants and their lawyers. What is legal - that is constantly evolving.
Legal advice in the EU-/EEA-area is founded literally on Roman Law/Jus Romanum in the form of
Laws/Regulations passed by Legislators (Politicians seconded by Lobbies/Authorities) - and interpreted by Courts/Faculties of Law as precedents, i.e. court rulings/understandings of the law, which may be persuasive in advance on subsequent cases.
Note: There are National Authorities in EU/EEA, which by e.g. Governmental delegation or Proxy in specific matters can interpret, decide, control and/or damage atomists; i.e. individuals without influence alone.
National Remedy by Infringement Proceedings can result in correct implementation and harmonization of EU-Law.
-’s initiative is an Alternative to Multi-role Financial Groups and other Transaction-fee driven Players – benefiting underserved SMEs, hereunder family-owned firms, lacking “Names” in media and markets.
- The Purpose of’s initiative is to assemble Small and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Self-directed Capital Partners in a Social Enterprise for Impact Investing – organized by a Collaborative Value Network (CVN) – focusing on maritime regions, where needs of owners/enterprisers and investors are similar – everywhere.
- Social Enterprises in banking and insurance - organized as mutual organizations - were the first financial models, which assembled money from "everybody" - i.e. from "an open circuit". Financial markets were gradually developed for depositors / insurance-holders. Since 1987 EU-politicians and influential lobbies opened up for Multi-Role Financial Groups, Cross-selling of Services and Consolidations. In 1999 USA did the same. It resulted in a Global financial crises 2008.
- A low-interest rate era started building of instruments for higher yields - condoned by incumbents of financial markets. They became sources of funds for dispositions of a new breed of financiers. The funds were nick-named "Other People's Money (OPM)". The extreme financial model of today - financed by (OPM) - is the so-called Private Equity Fund operated by (a) tax-privileged General Partner(s). Look to the Page: "Funds MGMT".
- A CVN-Approach for Impact Investing has a “No-Group-Structure”, which combines a Role-divided Business Model and an Open Ownership Model. The Purpose: To build a Social Enterprise based on “Bridges” between enterprise & wealth and “Wedges” for impartiality - by separating roles in markets.
- The CVN-Approach for Impact Investing has a value chain based on Pro-Active Restructuring and Reorganization (PARR), Protection Club(s) for raising capital and spreading of risk, Independent Impact Analyses (IIA) before-, during- and after investing - and Enterpriser-Mart(s) for broadcasting needs, initiatives, etc.
- Such a CVN-Approach is a financial model for value creation of unlisted companies. They need access to competent trustees for “peer-to-peer” relations – and sources of "patient capital" for tracks to prove investments’ viability, sustainability and marketability. Look to the Page: "Alliances, Ltd. Partners, RNPs & Capital Partners”.
A MATRIX found on top of the Page: "Impact Analyses - Restructuring & Reorganization" shows a CVN-Approach for Impact Investing and its “No-Group-Structure”.
The Crux: Engage wanted Alliances/Catalysts to coopt in order to achieve real financial innovation - benefiting “customers and customers’ customers” – and engage Regional Network Partners (RNPs), who can- and will organize competent trustees in maritime regions.
The rest of this Page on Owner-Enterprise illuminates:
- Activities to reduce an increasing GAP between the financial- and the real economy - organized- and performed by a Collaborative Approach for Owner-Enterprise;
- Activities of advisors – general comments;
- Activities by established “peer-to-peer” relations – organized by Regional Network Partners and monitored by as a Protector - are vital roles of a Collaborative Value Network (CVN).
1. Activities to reduce an increasing GAP between the financial- and the real economy - organized- and performed by a Collaborative Approach for Owner-Enterprise
Access to competency and trust can be scarce in sensitive situations; especially, if you are underserved by the incumbents of the financial industry, who focus on “Names” in financial markets and repeat business.
An approach based on participants’ enlightenment by pro-activity, reason, individuality and skepticism can tackle financial players’ cross-selling strategies, influential lobbies and corporate development of financial markets. has named it a Collaborative Value Network (CVN), which combine a role-divided business- and an open ownership model. That makes it a “No-Group-Structure” for serving Owners/Enterprisers and Investors as its primary stakeholders - and offer transparency e.g. to public catalysts of impact investing, academia, altruistic Foundations/ NGOs/ other CVNs.
The CVN-Approach for Impact Investing is an example of a much needed institutional development to achieve improvements for the real economies of maritime regions, where needs of owners/ enterprisers and investors are similar everywhere. Its owner-orientation comes to show, when you study the CVN’s Owners’ Agreement – a Letter of Intent (LoI) between wanted stakeholders.
A Collaborative Approach for Owner-Enterprise can be scaled up by organizations and persons, who care about economic co-responsibility as a dividing line in politics and markets. They are:
- Public Catalysts of Impact Investing - looking to Academia for Talents’ Action Learning-Programs - and Altruism of Foundations/NGOs/other CVNs for Impact Investing for endeavors to improve peoples’ livelihood. They can also contribute as limited partners;
- Financial Institutions, which choose to set up Flanker Bank-Fintech Initiatives to meet competition by disruptive innovation - look to a Special Report by the Economist on the topic "Fintech's Raid on Banks";
- Alliances choosing to co-opt to achieve real financial innovation with social impact are vital scalers with negative control by holding vote-rich A-shares of shared InvestCo. They can contribute to actual building blocks of the CVN-Approach – e.g. by analytics, logistics and licensed asset management services – all at arm’s length;
- Regional Network Partners (RNPs) - they can organize affordable access to competent trustees - e.g. for Small and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs) without “Names” in media and markets. Their needs are similar everywhere - especially in maritime regions.Please note that RNPs shall also hold negative control by vote-rich A-shares of the InvestCo;
- Self-directed Capital Partners can choose to hold vote-weak shares in the CVN’s InvestCo, establish peer to peer-relations with RNPs trustee(s) and become Members of the CVN’s Protection Club for Spreading Risk, which offers individual Master Accounts to them.They are the future majority owners of the CVN’s InvestCo - but, refrain from becoming insiders based on asymmetric information and power to influence;
- serve as Protector of the CVN-Approach. will hold a balancing stake of vote-rich A-shares to offer operational control to trustees of RNPs (on the one hand) - and to monitor them (on the other hand).
2. Activities of Advisors – general comments
The noun advisor stems from old French “avis”, meaning opinion. At the root of the word is the Latin “vis”, which is based on a verb meaning “to see” - found in words like a “vision”.
A competent advisor can help “to see what was not seen before” – e.g. cross-professional findings on use of resources and technical standards – or impacts on environmental qualities and livelihoods.
Academic-, legal-, economic-, financial-, technical-, political- and/or environmental advisors are persons, who offer guidance in the context of formal, professional relationships.
A Postscript mentions advisors in 2 legal systems with different approaches and consequences. Technical-, environmental- and political advisors offer politicians advice to substantiate their decision-making. Inconsistency can be covered-up by fragmented/narrow analysis - by lobby-commissioned R&D and/or populist-/leading-sentences in “Abstracts” or input to media-coverage.
Whether or not advisor-/client-relationships agree with- or fully understand each other is a separate story. Financial advisors - and “their” clients - seldom do. There may be lack of trust due to information asymmetry/ hidden agendas by transaction fees and give-up commissions - or network corruption by career-opportunities.
Good decision-making should be based on mutual efforts and respect in “peer-to-peer”-relations open to new insight. Then one can achieve Single-Role Alternatives to Incumbents of the Financial Industry - with their multi-role groups and cross-selling strategies – for example:
A Social Enterprise for Impact Investing – organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN).
The precedence of such a CVN-Approach, which offers access to trustees/fiduciaries, can be found among historic bankier-houses and merchant banks before the “Big Bang”-deregulation of City of London 1987 – as well as among mutual- and cooperative institutions for savings/loans and insurance. But, the latter refrained from advice on equity capital-finance and ownership.
Participations in- and Advantages of Collaborative Value Networks for Impact Investing – why, for whom, how and where?
A Social Enterprise for Impact Investing – organized as a Collaborative Value Network (CVN) - offer Self-directed Capital Partners the right – but not an obligation – to become Members of a Protection Club for assembly of strengths and systematic spreading of risk. There the Members have individual master accounts, which can hold convertible impact bonds as well as other financial instruments, like shares in unlisted companies related to different impact investing-situations and purposes - e.g.:
- SMEs, hereunder family-owned firms, may choose to become the above-mentioned Self-directed Capital Partners in order to enjoy access to Regional Network Partners (RNPs) & competent trustees in maritime regions - e.g. for their scaling-up by networking. Why? Because needs of owners/enterprisers and investors are similar everywhere - especially in maritime regions.
- Regional Network Partners (RNPs) of a CVN-Approach for Impact Investing organize trustees competent to serve affordably and effectively in «Peer-to-Peer»-relations with Self-directed Capital Partners - members of a shared Protection Club and future majority owners of the CVN.
- Owner(s) of an unlisted SME without a “Name” in media and markets may want to share the ownership with others – and/or secure future access to equity capital. An IPO needed for a listing on an exchange may neither be wanted - nor an option – caused by common behavior of influential players of vulture capital. Instead, needs & verifiable facts can be broadcasted on Enterpriser-mart(s). An ad hoc Consortium is arranged by a CVN for Impact Investing - under the auspices of a competent trustee organized by a RNP – always on favorable terms for all concerned.
- An unlisted company may need access to Brand Building-strategists and Pro-Active Restructuring & Reorganization (PARR). That may uncover preparations of needed equity capital-financing as well as tackling of ownership dilemmas and owner-governance issues. Cf. 1 - 3 above.
- A common place situation in coastal areas can demonstrate aspects of 1-4 above: Several minority stakeholders in a Coastal Village - near players with hidden agendas (e.g. a large Corporation / an aggressive Port Authority / a corporate City-Administration) - may need to assemble to prepare- and/or perform pro-active, defensive measures to improve- and protect their livelihoods, environmental qualities as well as real estate-values. One strategic alternative: They can choose to set up a Collaborative Value Network (CVN)-Approach for a Land Banking-purpose(s). Cf. a new book: “S.T.Evensen. 2025. Maritime Regions: Align, Browse, Contain, Defend” discusses different land banking-cases. The verbs of the subtitle represent different strategies. Look also to: “Narrative of a financial instrument for all – We/You/I – and about its origin.docx”. Contact the Secretariat: [email protected]
3. Activities by established “peer-to-peer” relations – related to’s CVN-initiative presented on this website.
“Peer-to-peer”-relations between clients and chosen trustees/fiduciaries can result in mutual learning - e.g. based on what can become a Case-material for real dialogue between directors.
Anonymized Cases also of Small- and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs) can become an important source of teaching material. And Programs for Talents’ Action learning can contribute to such Case-writing.
Trustees* in Impact Investing** and Reconstruction*** can build Cases for “peer-to-peer”-dialogue
Buying-, managing- and selling assets represent great transaction volumes of financial values.
Only Nature itself stands for greater values. But, Nature is vulnerable, because humans do change environmental qualities and even the climate. Water scarcity and salinization as well as food-insecurity and health risks are moving closer in many places - as well as challenges in connection with societal insecurities and critical-/basic infrastructure. Due to the complex issues related to investment- and property markets - you may face impacts of even highly improbable changes - and pitfalls. Social Enterprises for Impact Investing and/or Land Banking - organized as Collaborative Value Networks (CVNs) - can assemble strengths from many - and offer access to a competent, impartial trustee in sensitive situations...
Access to a competent trustee will become increasingly important
Building a “Peer-to-peer”-relation starts with a dialogue re: purpose of purchase-, management- and sale of assets as to value propositions based on a number of needs - for example:
Become better prepared to face media and markets - request impartiality/role-divided value chains - and prepare access to equity capital at all times.
A trustee can contribute to effective searches, asset management, sales - for you to hold wanted investments instead of frequently entering- and exiting markets. Transactions without merit can be costly. Therefore, discussing Cases and real alternatives can make you better prepared to implement your dispositions and to deal with the consequences. That can be interesting and prove to be useful.
She/he can monitor e.g. separation of roles, when following purchase-/management-/sales of assets. Understanding market-participants/special interests as well as asset managers/banks can help negotiations.
The trustee can give advice on how to enter-/exit ownership as well as asset management - taking into account civil-, inheritance- and other relevant tax laws - and need of intermediate financing - as well as how to organize other follow-up.
A “peer-to-peer”-relation with a competent trustee can help to tackle transaction fee-driven players. When-/where they pop up, one must know who pays the fees - i.e. who is the other party.
Those, who find a wanted investment, can ask a competent trustee/fiduciary to investigate whether the object is for sale – or not. Neutral marts for broadcasting initiatives, needs, etc. are poorly developed in many places. Why? Most transaction fee-driven players only see “Names” in media and markets as wanted clients (read: sources of repeat business and fees).
Elders with extensive life experience state:
“There can be a lot to buy - with inherent difficulties to manage and/or to sell. However, planning for change in time is always important».
Trustees*/fiduciaries in Impact Investing/Land Banking** and Reconstruction*** can assist as to a mandate - always at arm’s length and through role-divided networks in maritime regions.
They know notaries/lawyers abroad and domestic lawyers/auditors/banks, who can be involved already. Competent trustees also know international contacts, who can offer financing and/or they have links to expertise, when investing, managing and/or selling abroad.
*) The role of a trustee exists for issuers- and holders of debt-instruments/bonds. But, the role is lacking- or faulty for those who are- and become wealthy. Therefore, organizes trustees, who focus on the real economy + behavior and institutional changes in maritime regions, where needs of owners/enterprisers and investors are similar all over the World.
Look to the Pages: "Alliances, RNPs &", "Restructuring & Reorganization", "Networking in Maritime Regions". Note: In many countries, foreign players cannot sell/buy/broker real estate and/or other assets from abroad - i.e. at distance. But, a competent trustee can follow effectively processes and players abroad according to mandate. However, there are specialized, foreign-owned companies, which operate with affiliates in nations with restrictions - re:
- Brokering - by searches for buying and selling-processes - reporting results in domestic terms;
- Legal- and technical assistance in connection with search-/management-/sales processes;
- Probes/surveys of players' grants/licenses/competence/reputation;
- Expertise in inheritance and tax issues - e.g. reduce double taxation of intl. investments, etc.;
- Legislative changes that affect asset management and transfer along with notaries/ lawyers/ banks/authorities;
- Access to projects/initiatives abroad, if a relation wants to develop/rehabilitate with a future sale in mind;
- Ensuring payments are made to clients’ accounts along with notaries/lawyers/banks - as well as correct settlement.
Since 1988, has built competencies by developing applications of Social Enterprises for Impact Investing - organized as a Collaborative Value Networks (CVNs) - for reach into the real economies of maritime regions. This has resulted in experiences of equity capital-financing, ownership-dilemmas and owner-governance, hereunder pro-active restructuring and independent analyses re: Owner-/Enterpriser Dynamics, Land Banking, Construction-Classification, Circular economy (Enec-, Resec-, E-cube- and Impact Analyses), Green Pricing and Regional Inter-Modal Transport Analysis (RIMTA) - to simulate alternative strategies for effective basic infrastructure and environmental use of land. The Crux: Sustainability and Viability always keeping in mind Brand-building and Ethics.
***) EU’s Directive on Reconstruction (Pro-Active Restructuring, Solvency-measures, Debt Relief) was supposed to be implemented in EU before July 17, 2021. Many preparations were needed to fully implement the directive - e.g. to establish competent specialized courts with access to trustees and cross-professional, independent expertise - as well as access to liquidity to finance Pro-Active Restructuring and Reorganization (PARR).
Insurance arrangements based on Public- and Private Cooperation (PPC) to secure SMEs' access to financing of PARR are much needed - along with Debt Relief Reforms, which can help offer the future of e.g. SMEs a better chance.
A brief Postscript on Common Law vs. Roman Law
In areas of Common law as a legal system Opinions based on discretion by due equity and/or precedents are decisive for Courts and judges as well litigants and their lawyers. What is legal - that is constantly evolving.
Legal advice in the EU-/EEA-area is founded literally on Roman Law/Jus Romanum in the form of
Laws/Regulations passed by Legislators (Politicians seconded by Lobbies/Authorities) - and interpreted by Courts/Faculties of Law as precedents, i.e. court rulings/understandings of the law, which may be persuasive in advance on subsequent cases.
Note: There are National Authorities in EU/EEA, which by e.g. Governmental delegation or Proxy in specific matters can interpret, decide, control and/or damage atomists; i.e. individuals without influence alone.
National Remedy by Infringement Proceedings can result in correct implementation and harmonization of EU-Law.