Focus on pluralism in the real economies of maritime regions
Social Enterprises for Impact Investing – organized as Collaborative Value Networks (CVNs)* - are vital to real financial innovation.
Early credit unions, cooperative banking and mutual insurance were historic precedents of social enterprises.
The origin of crowd funding is an example of creative social enterprise with an altruistic purpose.
But, that was before professional players took charge by misusing crowd-vehicles by inviting “Other Peoples’ Money (OPM)” in search of higher yields - e.g. to finance directly the retail market for home-owners as an alternative to funds provided by banks…
Social enterprises are still active in cooperative-/mutual credit banking and insurance – while the focus of is needs of owners/enterprisers and investors in the real economies of maritime regions.
Please browse for more info on - its purpose, structuring and perspectives.
The Role-divided Structure of’s CVN-initiative:
"Bridges" between enterprise and wealth:
Restru-Reorg Ltd. = InvestCo. for the Creditas-initiative
Impact Analyses + Pro-Active Restructuring & Reorganization (PARR)
The Protection Club Invest-Banc
"Wedges" to safeguard impartiality: - the Protector + Initiators
Bankierhuset Ltd. - Captive Holding
Endowment for Ethics & Enterprise
Enterpriser-marts for broadcasting needs, initiatives, etc.
The Value Chain of Role-divided Impact Investing:
A Land Banking Case: Reparations of a damaged Maritime Region in the Levant
It is presented on Page: "Contact / A Resolve for future Peace".
A Role-divided Structure is essential for impartiality*
Strengths are assembled from self-directed Capital Partners**.
Subject to a UN mandate*** - then needs, initiatives, etc. can be broadcasted.
Cases are written for educational purposes.
*) A “No-Group-Structure” combines a role-divided business- and an open ownership model.
**) A Letter of Intent directed to Stakeholders serves as an Owners’ Agreement.
***) A neutral financial instrument is needed by UN and all those with shared interests in reconstruction & resolve.
Cf. Writings in progress: "Ocean Strategy – Bottom Up – as an Alternative to Corporate Strategy – Top Down"
It underlines that focus on maritime regions is vital to hinterlands - and vice versa - and that Maritime regions should face China’s "Road & Belt Strategy” - backed by Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
Focus on pluralism and the real economy
The financial economy will be catered for by the authorities both during- and after a COVID-pandemic, warfare and resulting crises. Why?
Influential macro-economists tend to focus on steering "financial stability". But, new crises differ and may require real reform and pro-active measures /-actions - bottom up.
Macro-economists are often distant to- and lack insight in the real economy and behavior.
In times of crises the authorities provide central financial players with lots of liquidity - and require that liquidity is “passed on” - resulting in rising debt levels. Threats of inflation and/or stagnation appear. Systemic crises and rising energy costs are caused by corporate development in institutions, markets & pricing of resources. Scrutiny is likely to be opposed or fragmented by influential lobbies of special interests. That may cause continued systemic crises e.g. in energy- and other resource markets. Cross-professional capabilities are needed to assess purpose and effects of “ways & means” as well as likely impacts of fair play reforms + adjacent pro-active measures.
Note: follows closely institutional development, markets, transport and pricing of resources.
Destructive hegemonies are looming in all Time Zones
Outright warfare by one or more hegemonies may make things worse - along with corporatism and lack of real financial innovation with social impact caused by illegal favoring of incumbents...
Corporatism continues if fair play financial reform and pro-active measures are not implemented. Then, the GAP between the financial- and the real economy will widen. Consolidations and creative destruction by vulture funds will continue to weaken the real economy for the benefit of those seeking high yields in an era of low interest rates.
Look to the Page: "Funds Mgmt. - Stances on Private Equity".
The time to “rock the boat” is long overdue, because measures for the real economy may become lacking- or faulty for the same reasons as they were before the COVID-outbreak; namely:
1) Corporatism, which benefits those with “imperium; i.e. the power of a position”. Neither the influential special interests of the private- and public sector - nor cross-selling strategies stimulated by give-up commissions and internal bonus schemes - have been monitored by Independent Pro-Active Commissions (IPACs) e.g. on financial markets;
2) The participants of the real economy are Small- and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs), Municipalities and Households, which are not “Names” in media and markets – they are increasingly underserved by incumbents of the financial economy slashing numbers of competent case-handlers and digitizing by Customer Relations Management (CRM)-systems;
3) The insularity of politicians, their advisors and lobbyists of special interests – many apply the same language-, methodology- and statistics - provided by macro-economists with distance to- and little insight into the real economy and behavior. Comparative analyses of institutional development can find causes of transaction price-levels and consequences for enterprise and predictability.
Cf. an Article 11-2022 by Professor Jon Danielsson, in the Vox Blog on the fear of financial instability. His substantiated assertions: "The fear is unmeasurable - and steering of financial stability to prevent crises can be unfortunate - a. o. because every crisis is unique and there are unforeseen market reactions"...
Cf. also Ronald Coase Institute’s comparative analyses of institutional development:
“Rocking the boat” will imply fair play reforms and pro-active measures –
e.g. Independent Pro-Active Commissions (IPACs) can check course – and set best direction…
Good Governance can be implemented based on democratic values; like, secularity, diversity, gender parity and ecumenism as well as transparent deliberative pluralism, economic co-responsibility, ethics and enterprise. Politicians and authorities should encourage new entrants - giving them a fair chance rather than impeding them. Illegal favoring of incumbents and other special interests must stop. If not, then transparent, deliberative pluralism, economic co-responsibility, ethics & enterprise are undermined.
General policies and development of strategies & structures for good governance are required -
e.g. on real financial reform, cross-professionalism and implementation of general, fair play “Green Pricing” by taxing and/or stimulating actual use of resources and technical standards.
Vital, pro-active measures are:
CVNs for Impact Investing can offer SMEs affordable access to trustees with competencies in equity capital-financing, ownership-dilemmas and owner-governance
SMEs without access to equity capital and/or impact bonds - and with high fixed costs - are very vulnerable in times of fluctuations.
Look to a Page above on a Columbus' Egg for solving a conundrum to raise equity capital to SMEs.
SMEs, hereunder family-owned firms, of real economies should be catered for, because they stand for more than 80% of GNP in developed nations - and an even larger share of job creation
Therefore, pro-active measures must reach the SMEs, hereunder family-owned firms. That will require Scaling-up of Social Enterprises for Impact Investing - organized as Collaborative Value Networks (CVNs). Credit-banking and payment services deal effectively with deposits/lending/ settlements, while CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing and Land Banking can organize access to trustees and independent expertise to prepare Pro-Active Restructuring and Reorganization (PARR).
Assertion: CVN-Approaches for Land Banking and Impact Investing, hereunder PARR, will be in demand in the wake of pandemics and warfare resulting crises - as well as digitization- and climate-challenges
CVNs can build REACH into the real economies of maritime regions by "No-Group-Structures”, which have a role-divided business model for impartiality - and an open ownership model for assembly of strengths from many, self-directed Capital Partners. CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing are vital new entrants. They can offer “wedges” and "bridges" for general betterments after a COVID-pandemic and warfare – supplemented by a general, fair play «Green Pricing» to stimulate- and/or tax the actual use of resources and technical standards. Then taxation of already taxed values can be phased out. Why?
Because such fiscal-collection hurts enterprise and value creation – and results in unproductive tax planning.
Market-, Resource- and Transport Geography must be applied holistically to serve Analyses of Basic- and Critical Infrastructure, including Water Stewardship, which is precarious in many places.
Assisted by Regional Inter-Modal Transport Analyses (RIMTA) and Green Pricing one can simulate strategic alternatives - as well as transfer to renewables - for the sake of Nature, Climate & Oceans.
A Brief Summing Up
A Social Enterprise for Impact Investing – organized as Collaborative Value Network (CVN) - combines a role-divided business- and an open ownership model.
A CVN has a “No-Group-Structure”. It is a neutral financial instrument for all those with shared interests. Therefore, it can effectively serve reconstruction- and become a vital resolve for trade and livelihoods in the real economies of maritime regions.
Cf. the Page: “Contact in progress: Maritime Regions: Align, Browse, Contain, Defend”. has developed Cases for discussion of CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing – e.g.:
Social Enterprises for Impact Investing – organized as Collaborative Value Networks (CVNs)* - are vital to real financial innovation.
Early credit unions, cooperative banking and mutual insurance were historic precedents of social enterprises.
The origin of crowd funding is an example of creative social enterprise with an altruistic purpose.
But, that was before professional players took charge by misusing crowd-vehicles by inviting “Other Peoples’ Money (OPM)” in search of higher yields - e.g. to finance directly the retail market for home-owners as an alternative to funds provided by banks…
Social enterprises are still active in cooperative-/mutual credit banking and insurance – while the focus of is needs of owners/enterprisers and investors in the real economies of maritime regions.
Please browse for more info on - its purpose, structuring and perspectives.
The Role-divided Structure of’s CVN-initiative:
"Bridges" between enterprise and wealth:
Restru-Reorg Ltd. = InvestCo. for the Creditas-initiative
Impact Analyses + Pro-Active Restructuring & Reorganization (PARR)
The Protection Club Invest-Banc
"Wedges" to safeguard impartiality: - the Protector + Initiators
Bankierhuset Ltd. - Captive Holding
Endowment for Ethics & Enterprise
Enterpriser-marts for broadcasting needs, initiatives, etc.
The Value Chain of Role-divided Impact Investing:
- Originate by writing an abstract and present potential impact;
- Access to trustees - and verification by independent expertise;
- Alternative sources of funds - balance liquidity-needs and risk;
- Follow the life cycle of an initiative and analyze its actual impact…
A Land Banking Case: Reparations of a damaged Maritime Region in the Levant
It is presented on Page: "Contact / A Resolve for future Peace".
A Role-divided Structure is essential for impartiality*
Strengths are assembled from self-directed Capital Partners**.
Subject to a UN mandate*** - then needs, initiatives, etc. can be broadcasted.
Cases are written for educational purposes.
*) A “No-Group-Structure” combines a role-divided business- and an open ownership model.
**) A Letter of Intent directed to Stakeholders serves as an Owners’ Agreement.
***) A neutral financial instrument is needed by UN and all those with shared interests in reconstruction & resolve.
Cf. Writings in progress: "Ocean Strategy – Bottom Up – as an Alternative to Corporate Strategy – Top Down"
It underlines that focus on maritime regions is vital to hinterlands - and vice versa - and that Maritime regions should face China’s "Road & Belt Strategy” - backed by Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
Focus on pluralism and the real economy
The financial economy will be catered for by the authorities both during- and after a COVID-pandemic, warfare and resulting crises. Why?
Influential macro-economists tend to focus on steering "financial stability". But, new crises differ and may require real reform and pro-active measures /-actions - bottom up.
Macro-economists are often distant to- and lack insight in the real economy and behavior.
In times of crises the authorities provide central financial players with lots of liquidity - and require that liquidity is “passed on” - resulting in rising debt levels. Threats of inflation and/or stagnation appear. Systemic crises and rising energy costs are caused by corporate development in institutions, markets & pricing of resources. Scrutiny is likely to be opposed or fragmented by influential lobbies of special interests. That may cause continued systemic crises e.g. in energy- and other resource markets. Cross-professional capabilities are needed to assess purpose and effects of “ways & means” as well as likely impacts of fair play reforms + adjacent pro-active measures.
Note: follows closely institutional development, markets, transport and pricing of resources.
Destructive hegemonies are looming in all Time Zones
Outright warfare by one or more hegemonies may make things worse - along with corporatism and lack of real financial innovation with social impact caused by illegal favoring of incumbents...
Corporatism continues if fair play financial reform and pro-active measures are not implemented. Then, the GAP between the financial- and the real economy will widen. Consolidations and creative destruction by vulture funds will continue to weaken the real economy for the benefit of those seeking high yields in an era of low interest rates.
Look to the Page: "Funds Mgmt. - Stances on Private Equity".
The time to “rock the boat” is long overdue, because measures for the real economy may become lacking- or faulty for the same reasons as they were before the COVID-outbreak; namely:
1) Corporatism, which benefits those with “imperium; i.e. the power of a position”. Neither the influential special interests of the private- and public sector - nor cross-selling strategies stimulated by give-up commissions and internal bonus schemes - have been monitored by Independent Pro-Active Commissions (IPACs) e.g. on financial markets;
2) The participants of the real economy are Small- and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs), Municipalities and Households, which are not “Names” in media and markets – they are increasingly underserved by incumbents of the financial economy slashing numbers of competent case-handlers and digitizing by Customer Relations Management (CRM)-systems;
3) The insularity of politicians, their advisors and lobbyists of special interests – many apply the same language-, methodology- and statistics - provided by macro-economists with distance to- and little insight into the real economy and behavior. Comparative analyses of institutional development can find causes of transaction price-levels and consequences for enterprise and predictability.
Cf. an Article 11-2022 by Professor Jon Danielsson, in the Vox Blog on the fear of financial instability. His substantiated assertions: "The fear is unmeasurable - and steering of financial stability to prevent crises can be unfortunate - a. o. because every crisis is unique and there are unforeseen market reactions"...
Cf. also Ronald Coase Institute’s comparative analyses of institutional development:
“Rocking the boat” will imply fair play reforms and pro-active measures –
e.g. Independent Pro-Active Commissions (IPACs) can check course – and set best direction…
Good Governance can be implemented based on democratic values; like, secularity, diversity, gender parity and ecumenism as well as transparent deliberative pluralism, economic co-responsibility, ethics and enterprise. Politicians and authorities should encourage new entrants - giving them a fair chance rather than impeding them. Illegal favoring of incumbents and other special interests must stop. If not, then transparent, deliberative pluralism, economic co-responsibility, ethics & enterprise are undermined.
General policies and development of strategies & structures for good governance are required -
e.g. on real financial reform, cross-professionalism and implementation of general, fair play “Green Pricing” by taxing and/or stimulating actual use of resources and technical standards.
Vital, pro-active measures are:
- Comparative analyses of institutional development - to understand consequences of transaction price-levels for enterprise & predictability. Pro-active measures of institutional development to achieve positive social impacts have to be implemented in order to break with elite-circulation/collusion and fragmentation of decision making benefiting special interests – causing loss of resources and disintegration;
- Real financial reform - by National Independent Pro-Active Commissions (IPACs) on the Financial Markets - to address: A) The financial structure, which must be effective also for the real economy; B) Role-divided financial value chains to avoid cross-selling strategies stimulated by internal bonus schemes; C) Financial innovation with social impact benefiting SMEs of the real economies and job creation;
- Nations must rebuild networks- and competencies for investment-/merchant activities – focusing on maritime regions, where needs of owners/enterprisers and investors are similar everywhere. For example: Clusters and Academia of Maritime Regions can serve as catalysts of Social Enterprises for Impact Investing – organized as Collaborative Value Networks (CVNs).
CVNs for Impact Investing can offer SMEs affordable access to trustees with competencies in equity capital-financing, ownership-dilemmas and owner-governance
SMEs without access to equity capital and/or impact bonds - and with high fixed costs - are very vulnerable in times of fluctuations.
Look to a Page above on a Columbus' Egg for solving a conundrum to raise equity capital to SMEs.
SMEs, hereunder family-owned firms, of real economies should be catered for, because they stand for more than 80% of GNP in developed nations - and an even larger share of job creation
Therefore, pro-active measures must reach the SMEs, hereunder family-owned firms. That will require Scaling-up of Social Enterprises for Impact Investing - organized as Collaborative Value Networks (CVNs). Credit-banking and payment services deal effectively with deposits/lending/ settlements, while CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing and Land Banking can organize access to trustees and independent expertise to prepare Pro-Active Restructuring and Reorganization (PARR).
Assertion: CVN-Approaches for Land Banking and Impact Investing, hereunder PARR, will be in demand in the wake of pandemics and warfare resulting crises - as well as digitization- and climate-challenges
CVNs can build REACH into the real economies of maritime regions by "No-Group-Structures”, which have a role-divided business model for impartiality - and an open ownership model for assembly of strengths from many, self-directed Capital Partners. CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing are vital new entrants. They can offer “wedges” and "bridges" for general betterments after a COVID-pandemic and warfare – supplemented by a general, fair play «Green Pricing» to stimulate- and/or tax the actual use of resources and technical standards. Then taxation of already taxed values can be phased out. Why?
Because such fiscal-collection hurts enterprise and value creation – and results in unproductive tax planning.
Market-, Resource- and Transport Geography must be applied holistically to serve Analyses of Basic- and Critical Infrastructure, including Water Stewardship, which is precarious in many places.
Assisted by Regional Inter-Modal Transport Analyses (RIMTA) and Green Pricing one can simulate strategic alternatives - as well as transfer to renewables - for the sake of Nature, Climate & Oceans.
A Brief Summing Up
A Social Enterprise for Impact Investing – organized as Collaborative Value Network (CVN) - combines a role-divided business- and an open ownership model.
A CVN has a “No-Group-Structure”. It is a neutral financial instrument for all those with shared interests. Therefore, it can effectively serve reconstruction- and become a vital resolve for trade and livelihoods in the real economies of maritime regions.
Cf. the Page: “Contact in progress: Maritime Regions: Align, Browse, Contain, Defend”. has developed Cases for discussion of CVN-Approaches for Impact Investing – e.g.:
- Challenges, Opportunities and Threats (Environmental-Hydro-Social-Political) related to Water/Food/Health/ Distribution – based on Green Pricing;
- Regional Inter-Modal Transport Analyses (RIMTA) to simulate alternative strategies of Basic- and Critical Infrastructure, Environmental Qualities, Use of Resources, Protection of Inlets and Shorelines, etc.
- Land Banking-techniques to repair Damaged Maritime Regions by warfare – like the Levant and Ukraine on the Black Sea – and to help repair Seas – like the Baltic, Oresund, Kattegat, Skagerak and the North Sea.